

<p align="center"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nilsleiffischer/gravitational-waves-playground/master/banner.png"></p>

Gravitational waves playground

In this Swift playground book you can make gravitational waves visible and control the visualization of this elusive radiation emitted by two inspiraling and merging black holes. It continues my series of interactive iPad simulations that started with my playground book on black holes.






  1. Download the Swift Playgrounds App on your iPad.
  2. Add the Play with Gravity feed to the Swift Playgrounds App and load the Gravitational waves playground.

Alternatively, this is the URL you can manually add to the Swift Playgrounds App to subscribe to the Play with Gravity feed:

You can also manually download the Gravitational waves playground on your iPad or Mac:

Simulated physics

About this project

I created this Swift playground book as part of my application for the Apple WWDC 2018 scholarship. It allows the reader to discover physics that is invisible to our eyes by simulating it on screen and by controlling its visual representation. The volume rendering of the gravitational field is accomplished by a library of Metal shaders that apply to a SceneKit scene. The shaders perform ray-tracing through three-dimensional space and integrate the gravitational field along each ray. By translating the field values to colors and blending them together along the ray, I create a visual representation of the gravitational field in space.

Copyright (c) 2018 Nils Leif Fischer