⚡️ go-instrument
Automatically add Trace Spans to Go methods and functions
This tool uses standard Go library to modify AST with instrumentation. You can add new instrumentations by defining your own Instrumenter
and invoking Processor
like it is done in main
- No dependencies
- 500 LOC
- OpenTelemetry (Datadog, NewRelic, etc.)
go install
find . -name "*.go" | xargs -I{} go-instrument -app my-service -w -filename {}
Functions and methods with ctx context.Context
in arguments
func (s Cat) Name(ctx context.Context) (name string, err error) {
will be instrumented with span
func (s Cat) Name(ctx context.Context) (name string, err error) {
ctx, span := otel.Trace("my-service").Start(ctx, "Cat.Name")
defer span.End()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "error")
Example HTTP server go-instrument-example as it appears in Datadog.
Excluding and Including
To avoid instrumentation of function add comment directive anywhere in the file.
//instrument:exclude SomeFunc|SomeOtherfunc|privateFunc
func (s Cat) Name(ctx context.Context) (name string, err error) {
//instrument:exclude Name
To instrument only specific functions add comment directive anywhere in the file and pass -all=false
in CLI.
//instrument:include SomeFunc|SomeOtherfunc|privateFunc
func (s Cat) Name(ctx context.Context) (name string, err error) {
//instrument:include Name
Functions that have named return err error
will get spans with appropriate status and error recorded.
func (s Cat) Walk(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
Comments are supported through patching source files bytes and fmt.
Go compiler directives
Standard Go compiler directives are recognized.
More details go help buildconstraint
//go:build exclude
// +build exclude
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
In Development
- Dynamic error variable name
- Creating error when return is not named
- Detection if function is already instrumented
- Span Tags arguments
- Span Tags returns
- Assigning
is not used in function (unused assignement
linter checks issue) - Datadog native instrumenter
It is laborious to add tracing code to every function manually. The code repeats 99% of time. Other languages can either modify code or have wrapper notations that makes even manual tracing much less laborious.
As of 2022-11-06
, official Go does not support automatic function traces.
Is there a way to automatically intercept each function call and create traces?
Go doesn’t provide a way to automatically intercept every function call and create trace spans. You need to manually instrument your code to create, end, and annotate spans.
Thus, providing automated version to add Trace Spans annotation.
Go Compiler Inlining
Since we are adding multiple functions calls, it affects Go compiler decisions on inlining. It is expected that Go will less likely inline.
For example, can inline function
$ go build -gcflags="-m -m" ./internal/testdata 2>&1 | grep OneLine
internal/testdata/basic.go:80:6: can inline OneLineTypical with cost 62 as: func(context.Context, int) (int, error) { return fib(n), nil }
go-instrument -w -filename internal/testdata/basic.go
Can not inline after instrumentation
$ go build -gcflags="-m -m" ./internal/testdata 2>&1 | grep OneLine
internal/testdata/basic.go:132:6: cannot inline OneLineTypical: unhandled op DEFER
Appendix A: Related Work
- — Very similar to current project. This tool gracefully handles code comments, so that its output can be tracked with normal code in version control. Main difference current project focuses on minimal code and dependencies.
- — (in development) official eBPF based Go auto instrumentation
- — eBPF based Go auto instrumentation of pre-selected libraries
- — Very similar. Instrumenting Go code for tracing.
- — non-OTEL, custom tracing framework that uses code generation
Appendix B: Other Languages
Java runtime modifies bytecode of methods on load time that adds instrumentation calls. Pre-defined libraries are instrumented (http, mysql, etc).
✅ Very short single line decorator statement can be used to trace selected methods.
import datadog.trace.api.Trace
public class BackupLedger {
public void write(List<Transaction> transactions) {
for (Transaction transaction : transactions) {
ledger.put(transaction.getId(), transaction);
import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.annotations.WithSpan;
public class MyClass {
public void myMethod() {
✅ Automatic instrumentation of all functions is also possible.
Datadog supports wildcard for list of methods to trace.
Environment Variable: DD_TRACE_METHODS
Default: null
Example: package.ClassName[method1,method2,...];AnonymousClass$1[call];package.ClassName[]
List of class/interface and methods to trace. Similar to adding @Trace, but without changing code. Note: The wildcard method support ([]) does not accommodate constructors, getters, setters, synthetic, toString, equals, hashcode, or finalizer method calls
java -javaagent:/path/to/dd-java-agent.jar -Ddd.service=web-app -Ddd.env=dev -Ddd.trace.methods="*" -jar path/to/application.jar
- Java Auto-Instrumentation
- Datadog Java Auto-Instrumentation
- Datadog Java Tracing Config
- Datadog Instrumentation Business Logic
- Javaassist
Python monkeypatching of functions at runtime is used to add instrumentation calls. Pre-defined libraries are instrumented (http, mysql, etc).
✅ Very short single line decorator statement can be used to trace selected methods.
from ddtrace import tracer
class BackupLedger:
def write(self, transactions):
for transaction in transactions:
self.ledger[] = transaction
def do_work():
print("doing some work...")
⚠️ Automatic instrumentation of all functions is also possible via monkeypatching (fidning stable library is pending).
- OpenTelemetry Python Instrumentation
- Blog: Timescale: OpenTelemetry and Python: A Complete Instrumentation Guide
❌ Only manual instrumentation.
✅ Very short single line decorator statement can be used to trace selected functions with well-establisehd tokio framework.
pub fn shave(yak: usize) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + 'static>> {
async fn write(stream: &mut TcpStream) -> io::Result<usize> {
Appendix C: Paths Not Taken
With eBPF we can track latency, but we would not be able to assign errors to spans. Some platforms may not have access to eBPF.
Wrapping internal functions
Benefit of wrapping is to keep original code without modifications. However, manual step for switching would still be requied. Given every single function is duplciated and is within same package, code will quickly become messy and hard to maintain by user.
Wrapping exported functions
Typically, packages are failry big and performs lots of logic.
Oftencase, business domains are split only in few large packages.
Low level packages are already likely to be traced with standard tracing (MySQL, het/http
, etc).
Thus, it is doubtful how much benefit would be from tracing only exported functions and only on import.
Wrapping exported functions with separate package
This would lead to circular dependency failure, since some even exported functions in original package may be called withing same package. Thus, we would either skip those calls, or fail with circular dependency while trying to wrap those.
Appendix D: Generating Many Spans
spans, fibbonaci
spans, go cover treemap
Appendix E: Directives
Orignal version was using go:instrument
However, many members of Go community raised concern that it takes over reserved core Go toolchain directives (eg, //go:norace
Even though as of 2022-11-25
Go core does not use go:instrument
, to respect community and Go core, leaving using //instrument:
directive instead.
Appendix F: Selectors
One of proposed solutions for selectors was to use regex.
Specifically, first usecase proposed was to use
//instrument:exclude .*
//instrument:include ^API.*$
The issue with this is collision of two functions:
- A) exlude all and select specific
- B) include all and exclude specific
Similarly, there is collision of subspace of functions for exclusion and inclusion.
As of 2022-11-25
, @nikolaydubina does not know how to resolve this better.
Thus, keeping simple map matching wiht and
condition of overlaps.