

<p align="center"> <img width="300" height="300" src="https://github.com/nikolaydubina/fpmoney/assets/2933061/022c83e3-8a14-4e8f-b1b7-94ab262fa590"> </p>

🧧 Fixed-Point Decimal Money

codecov Go Report Card Go Reference Mentioned in Awesome Go OpenSSF Scorecard

Be Precise: using floats to represent currency is almost criminal. — Robert.C.Martin, "Clean Code" p.301

var BuySP500Price = fpmoney.FromInt(9000, fpmoney.SGD)

input := []byte(`{"sp500": {"amount": 9000.02, "currency": "SGD"}}`)

type Stonks struct {
    SP500 fpmoney.Amount `json:"sp500"`
var v Stonks
if err := json.Unmarshal(input, &v); err != nil {

amountToBuy := fpmoney.FromInt(0, fpmoney.SGD)
if v.SP500.GreaterThan(BuySP500Price) {
    amountToBuy = amountToBuy.Add(v.SP500.Mul(2))

// Output: 18000.04 SGD

Ultra Small Fractions

Some denominations have very low fractions. Storing them int64 you would get.


$ go test -bench=. -benchmem . > fpmoney.bench
$ go test -bench=. -benchmem ./internal/bench/float32 > float32.bench
$ go test -bench=. -benchmem ./internal/bench/int > int.bench
$ benchstat -split="XYZ" int.bench float32.bench fpmoney.bench
name \ time/op              int.bench   float32.bench  fpmoney.bench
JSONUnmarshal/small-16      383ns ± 0%     408ns ± 0%     294ns ± 0%
JSONUnmarshal/large-16      436ns ± 0%     473ns ± 0%     365ns ± 0%
JSONMarshal/small-16        115ns ± 0%     158ns ± 0%     226ns ± 0%
JSONMarshal/large-16        112ns ± 0%     146ns ± 0%     272ns ± 0%

name \ alloc/op             int.bench   float32.bench  fpmoney.bench
JSONUnmarshal/small-16       268B ± 0%      270B ± 0%      198B ± 0%
JSONUnmarshal/large-16       272B ± 0%      288B ± 0%      216B ± 0%
JSONMarshal/small-16        57.0B ± 0%     66.0B ± 0%    160.0B ± 0%
JSONMarshal/large-16        72.0B ± 0%     72.0B ± 0%    176.0B ± 0%

name \ allocs/op            int.bench   float32.bench  fpmoney.bench
JSONUnmarshal/small-16       6.00 ± 0%      6.00 ± 0%      3.00 ± 0%
JSONUnmarshal/large-16       6.00 ± 0%      6.00 ± 0%      3.00 ± 0%
JSONMarshal/small-16         2.00 ± 0%      2.00 ± 0%      3.00 ± 0%
JSONMarshal/large-16         2.00 ± 0%      2.00 ± 0%      3.00 ± 0%
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: github.com/nikolaydubina/fpmoney
BenchmarkArithmetic/add_x1-16         1000000000	         0.54 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkArithmetic/add_x100-16       	26382420	        44.42 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
ok  	github.com/nikolaydubina/fpmoney	14.200s

References and Related Work