

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet - PCRE

AnchorDescriptionExampleValid matchInvalid
^start of string or line^foamfoambath foam
\Astart of string in any match mode\Afoamfoambath foam
$end of string or linefinish$finishfinnish
\Zend of string, or char before last new line in any match modefinish\Zfinishfinnish
\zend of string, in any match mode.
\Gend of the previous match or the start of the string for the first match^(get|set)|\G\w+$setValueseValue
\bword boundary; position between a word character (\w), and a nonword character (\W)\bis\bThis island is beautifulThis island isn't beautiful
AssertionDescriptionExampleValid matchInvalid
(?=...)positive lookaheadquestion(?=s)questionsquestion
(?!...)negative lookaheadanswer(?!s)answeranswers
(?<=...)positive look-behind(?<=appl)eappleapplication
(?<!...)negative look-behind(?<!goo)dmoodgood
Char classDescriptionExampleValid matchInvalid
[ ]class definition[axf]a, x, fb
[ - ]class definition range[a-c]a, b, cd
[ \ ]escape inside class[a-f.]a, b, .g
[^ ]Not in class[^abc]d, ea
[:class:]POSIX class[:alpha:]string0101
.match any chars except new lineb.ttlebattle, bottlebttle
\swhite space, [\n\r\f\t ]good\smorninggood morninggood.morning
\Sno-white space, [^\n\r\f\t]good\Smorninggood.morninggood morning
\Dnon-digit\D{3}foo, barfo1
\wword, [a-z-A-Z0-9_]\w{4}v411v4.1
\Wnon word, [^a-z-A-Z0-9_].$%?.$%?.ab?
Special characterDescription
\general escape
\nnew line
\rcarriage return
\vvertical tab
\fform feed
\ccharCtrl + char(ie:\cc is Ctrl+c)
\ooothree digit octal (ie: \123)
\xhhone or two digit hexadecimal (ie: \x10)
\x{hex}any hexadecimal code (ie: \x{1234})
\p{xx}char with unicode property (ie: \p{Arabic}
\P{xx}char without unicode property
SequenceDescriptionExampleValid matchInvalid
|alternationapple|orangeapple, orangemelon
( )subpatternfoot(er|ball)footer or footballfootpath
(?P<name>...)subpattern, and capture submatch into name(?P<greeting>hello)hellohallo
(?:...)subpattern, but does not capture submatch(?:hello)hellohallo
+one or more quantifierye+ahyeah, yeeeahyah
*zero or more quantifierye*ahyeeah, yeeeah, yahyeh
?zero or one quantifieryes?yes, yeyess
??zero or one, as few times as possible (lazy)yea??hyeahyeaah
+?one or more lazy/<.+?>/g<P>foo</P> matches only <P> and </P>
*?zero or more, lazy/<.*?>/g<html>
{n}n times exactlyfo{2}foofooo
{n,m}from n to m timesgo{2,3}dgood,gooodgooood
{n,}at least n timesgo{2,}goo, gooogo
(?(condition)...)if-then pattern(<)?[p](?(1)>)<p>, p<p
(?(condition)...|...)if-then-else pattern`^(?(?=q)queans)`question, answer
Pattern modifierDescription
gglobal match
icase-insensitiv, match both uppercase and lowercase
mmultiple lines
ssingle line (by default)
xingore whitespace allows comments
Aanchored, the pattern is forced to ^
Ddollar end only, a dollar metacharacter matches only at the end
Sextra analysis performed, useful for non-anchored patterns
Uungreedy, greedy patterns becomes lazy by default
Xadditional functionality of PCRE (PCRE extra)
Jallow duplicate names for subpatterns
uunicode, pattern and subject strings are treated as UTF-8