



This example shows how to copy and paste elements programatically using bpmn-js.

pasted screenshot


How it works

You need the BPMN Modeler to use copy and paste.


To copy an element, specify it via its elementId. From that point on, we'll use only APIs the BPMN modeler provides:

// element to be copied
var elementId = ...;

var clipboard = modeler.get('clipboard'),
    copyPaste = modeler.get('copyPaste'),
    elementRegistry = modeler.get('elementRegistry');

// get element to be copied
var element = elementRegistry.get(elementId);

// copy!

// retrieve clipboard contents
var copied = clipboard.get();

// persist in local storage, encoded as json
localStorage.setItem('bpmnClipboard', JSON.stringify(copied));


To paste an element we need to specify the target, as well as the location where the element needs to be pasted:

// to be pasted onto...
var targetId = ...;
var position = ...;

var clipboard = modeler.get('clipboard'),
    copyPaste = modeler.get('copyPaste'),
    elementRegistry = modeler.get('elementRegistry'),
    moddle = modeler.get('moddle');

// retrieve from local storage
var serializedCopy = localStorage.getItem('bpmnClipboard');

// parse tree, reinstantiating contained objects
var parsedCopy = JSON.parse(serializedCopy, createReviver(moddle));

// put into clipboard

// paste tree directly
  element: elementRegistry.get(targetId),
  point: position

// alternatively paste using two-step pasting

The Paste Catch

During JSON parsing of the serialized copy tree, we use a reviver function to re-construct model types:

function createReviver(moddle) {

  var elCache = {};

   * The actual reviewer that creates model instances
   * for elements with a $type attribute.
   * Elements with ids will be re-used, if already
   * created.
   * @param  {String} key
   * @param  {Object} object
   * @return {Object} actual element
  return function(key, object) {

    if (typeof object === 'object' && typeof object.$type === 'string') {

      var objectId = object.id;

      if (objectId && elCache[objectId]) {
        return elCache[objectId];

      var type = object.$type;
      var attrs = Object.assign({}, object);

      delete attrs.$type;

      var newEl = moddle.create(type, attrs);

      if (objectId) {
        elCache[objectId] = newEl;

      return newEl;

    return object;

Checkout the full example here.

Run the Example

# install dependencies
npm install

# run in browser
npm run dev

Open multiple instances of the test site and copy/paste across.


