

Loading Into Pharo

Clone this Repository - git clone <clone with https link>. This Package was created using the Monticello Browser. To load the package go into the Monticello Browser (Under Tools on topbar or Ctrl+O+P). Press the +repository button and select directory under that. Then find the cloned repository and add that. You will then be able to load the .mcz format packages and use them.


(<a href='https://github.com/nikhilpinnaparaju/Pharo-NLtoolkit/blob/master/N-grams/Readme.md'> Link to Readme for N-grams Usage</a>)

(<a href='https://github.com/nikhilpinnaparaju/Pharo-NLtoolkit/blob/master/TF-IDF/Readme.md'> Link to Readme for TF-IDF Usage</a>)

(<a href='https://github.com/nikhilpinnaparaju/Pharo-linkedlist/blob/master/Readme.md'> Link to Readme for LinkedList Usage</a>)