Using all IS-A relations of nouns in WordNet from the ImageNet archive, this program takes in a keyword input and writes a file with ancestors and descendants of all matching nouns in WordNet's hierarchy.
words.txt, gloss.txt, and is_a.txt were all acquired from ImageNet's API Documentation page:
words.txt maps all WordNet IDs to their corresponding synonym sets. gloss.txt maps all WordNet IDs to their corresponding glosses, or short descriptions. is_a.txt lists all parent-child pairs of WordNet IDs.
This program takes in a keyword input and outputs a text file with, for all synonym sets which include the keyword, synonym set, gloss, and list of descendents and ancestors.
George A. Miller (1995). WordNet: A Lexical Database for English. Communications of the ACM Vol. 38, No. 11: 39-41. Christiane Fellbaum (1998, ed.) WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.