


Build script template for Invoke-Build

NuGet package Invoke-Build.template


Install the template by this command:

dotnet new install Invoke-Build.template

and uninstall by:

dotnet new uninstall Invoke-Build.template


Change to the target directory and invoke

dotnet new ib [options]

in order to create <directory-name>.build.ps1 in this directory.


Generated build script samples:


Use the following command for the list of options:

dotnet new ib --help

Option -b|--bootstrap *|version

It creates the standalone script with automatic installation of InvokeBuild and specifies the required module version.

The script may be invoked on its own directly, i.e. not by Invoke-Build command. In this case, the script checks for the InvokeBuild module and installs its required version if the module is missing.

The version value * stands for the command Invoke-Build, i.e. any installed module or script. If the command is missing then the latest module version is installed.

Otherwise, the version value specifies the required module version. This version is hardcoded (pinned) in the generated script. Change it manually later in order to upgrade.

If bootstrap is omitted then the generated script is supposed to be invoked by Invoke-Build as usual. This scenario requires installed InvokeBuild module or Invoke-Build.ps1 script.

Option -s|--scope CurrentUser|AllUsers

This option is used together with -b|--bootstrap. It tells where the InvokeBuild module should be installed if the required version is missing. Available values are:

Switch -r|--restore

This switch tells to add the task restore, to restore packages. This task is supposed to be called explicitly. The task build runs without restoring.