

Piracy Archive

A complete backup of the Reddit r/Piracy sub

The Archive

This is a copy of every post with every comment from January 1st of 2016 to March 20th of 2019

Update: It is currently only on archive.org, the-eye.eu, and the magnet link

I can rehost it on another server if I get enough requests to do so

Plaintext Link: rPiracy.ignorelist.com

The link and the server ip may change later so save this repo rather than the actual link.


You should use the Post section to see what we would normally see on the front page of r/Piracy. Currently the search section is just a list of every link that you will have to scroll down to load and use Ctrl + F to search through it. I will be changing this later



Please seed the torrent if it gets taken down elsewhere