

<img src="src/assets/icons/icon-rounded.svg" height="48px"> BCR-GUI

What is BCR-GUI

BCR-GUI is a call recordings manager app, started as companion app for the great BCR (Basic Call Recorder) Android application and grown up to support many other call recorders:

<img src="docs/images/screenshot-main.jpg?ver=1.10.0">

To manage BCR (and other call recorders) recordings, you need to use a file manager... and that's not so user-friendly 😉. It's hard to "extract" call informations from audio filename, and it's even harder to search them when the list grows.

Such a feature was already requested, but chenxiaolong (the author of BCR) wants to keep BCR Basic; and I do agree with him! Call recording on Android is a hard work, and I'd like (and hope) him to stay focused on it... recordings management is a job made for BCR-GUI 😂. Other call recorders never had one.


If used with BCR, BCR-GUI needs BCR v.1.49 (or newer) to work at its best; that version features the new JSON call metadata file, used by BCR-GUI to read detailed call info and show them in its call list. In case of missing JSON file (eg. recordings done before 1.49 or when using another recording app), BCR-GUI will try to extract call data from recording filename. You can customize the format of the filename being parsed.


What's working/missing?

BCR-GUI is stable and ready for usage!


Still missing (not ready yet...):

Other things could be improved and added.
Feel free to share your thoughts!


BCR-GUI is not available in the PlayStore (...yet).

I'll publish it there if its popularity grows but... since BCR is a Magisk module, and it requires some skills to be installed, I'm sure that you're also able to download & install a simple APK 😉.

Latest version is available here.



BCR-GUI is licensed under GPLv3 (please see LICENSE file).