

AREkit 0.25.1

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<p align="center"> <img src="logo.png"/> </p>

AREkit (Attitude and Relation Extraction Toolkit) -- is a python toolkit, devoted to document level Attitude and Relation Extraction between text objects from mass-media news.


This toolkit aims at memory-effective data processing in Relation Extraction (RE) related tasks.

<p align="center"> <img src="docs/arekit-pipeline-concept.png"/> </p>

Figure: AREkit pipelines design. More on ARElight: Context Sampling of Large Texts for Deep Learning Relation Extraction paper

In particular, this framework serves the following features:

The core functionality includes:


pip install git+https://github.com/nicolay-r/AREkit.git@0.25.1-rc


Please follow the tutorial section on project Wiki for mode details.

How to cite

A great research is also accompanied by the faithful reference. if you use or extend our work, please cite as follows:

  title={ARElight: Context Sampling of Large Texts for Deep Learning Relation Extraction},
  author={Rusnachenko, Nicolay and Liang, Huizhi and Kolomeets, Maxim and Shi, Lei},
  booktitle={European Conference on Information Retrieval},