

NOTE: I have stopped updating Cybertron, but you can help. Send pull requests and I'll review and approve.


A revised retro theme for Obsidian inspired by Cyberpunk 2077, Dynalist, Tron, The Terminator, Synthwave, and Keanu Reeves


This is my true love. You will either love this theme, or avoid it at all costs.

Although it’s inspired by the retro craze, it’s crazy how useful it actually is. I get an incredible amount of work accomplished in it. As the creator of Cybertron once said:

I do both my creative and analytical work in Cybertron.

It derives inspiration from:

  1. Dynalist
  2. Cyberpunk 2077
  3. Synthwave
  4. [[Keanu Reeves]]
  5. The Terminator

Cool Aspects

While stylized, I actually find Cybertron to be extremely practical. It seems to encourage creativity.


Testing it out

I use Bold Words for calling out nouny things (most of the time), and I'll use italics for drawing emphasis to words (nothing out of the ordinary there).



Supported Plugins

This theme has support for the following Obsidian community plugins:



Obsidian Marketplace (Recommended)

  1. Open the Settings in Obsidian
  2. Navigate to Appearances tab under Options
  3. Under the Themes section, click on the Manage button across from Themes
  4. Search for Cybertron in the Filter text input
  5. Click Use and then you're done! 🎉


If you have any issues and/or suggestions, please submit an issue or raise a PR. I will try my best to address the issue, but hopefully someone can help me.


This theme was initially built in June 2020. I'm not sure what theme I initially copied. Please let me know if I am missing an attribution.


Please support by being active in the Obsidian Discord community.