This repo contains an openFrameworks extension for the Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT).
The GRT is a cross-platform, open-source, C++ machine learning library designed for real-time gesture recognition.
This extension is designed to make it as easy as possible to use the GRT in openFrameworks.
Note that this extensions contains a local version of the GRT as a git submodule, which will be compiled from source when you build any of the ofxGrt examples.
To use ofxGrt:
download openFrameworks (you will need an OF version that supports C++11, you can find the latest version on the openFrameworks github page)
clone this repo to the openFrameworks addons folder
cd openFrameworks/addons
git clone
cd ofxGrt
git submodule init
git submodule update
- if you are working off any branch of ofxGrt that is not master (e.g., dev), then you can sync with the remote GRT version of that branch via:
git submodule update --remote
- to build and run any of the ofxGRT examples, cd to an example folder and run:
cd ofxGrt/example_timeseries_plot
make run
You can find additional README files in each of the examples that describe more details about each specific example.
See the specific examples directories for a full description on each example.
The ofxGRT is available under a MIT license.