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<a href="https://github.com/nickabattista/IB2d"><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/50968c_6e90280106f24ba3ada127d6e1620ea5~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_443,h_319,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/50968c_6e90280106f24ba3ada127d6e1620ea5~mv2.webp" align="right" height="450" width="450" ></a>

<H1> IB2d </H1>

Author: Nicholas A. Battista, Ph.D. <br> Email: <a href="mailto:battistn[at]tcnj[.]edu"> battistn[at]tcnj.edu </a> <br> Website: <a href="http://battistn.pages.tcnj.edu"> http://battistn.pages.tcnj.edu </a> <br> Department: Mathematics & Statistics (<a href="https://mathstat.tcnj.edu/">TCNJ MATH</a>) <br> Institution: The College of New Jersey (<a href="https://tcnj.edu/">TCNJ</a>) <br>

<H4>An easy to use immersed boundary method in 2D, with full implementations in MATLAB and Python that contains over 75 built-in examples, including multiple options for fiber-structure models and advection-diffusion, Boussinesq approximations, and/or artificial forcing. </H4> <h3 style="color:red;"> If you use this software for research, educational, or recreational purposes, please let Nick Battista (<a href="mailto:battistn[at]tcnj.edu">battistn[at]tcnj[.]edu</a>) know! </h3> <hr> </hr> <H3>If you use the code for research, please cite the following papers:</H3> <hr> </hr> <H3>IB2d Video Tutorials:</H3> <hr> </hr> <H3> IB2d News</H3> <p align="center"> <img width="464" height="273" src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/50968c_1c29f0b383544da79b47167d551a199c~mv2.webp"> </p> <H5 align="center"> <ins> Figure</ins>: Showing the percent runtimes when compared to IB2d's previous implementations, i.e., the</br> ratio of runtimes x 100. The simulation involved a square grid with an equal number of grid </br> cells (Nx) in the x- and y- directions. The corresponding # of Lagrangian points for each case was 2*Nx. </br></br> </H5> <hr> </hr> <H4> VisIt Workaround for macOS 11 (Big Sur) </H4>

--> Many VisIt users have gotten the following error when trying to open visualization files:

<p align="center"> "The MetaData server running on localhost could not get the file list for the current directory" </p>

--> To circumvent this error, try opening VisIt from the command line. Try the following:

<ol type="1"> <li> In your terminal, change directory until you're in the directory you want to open (eg - the viz_IB2d folder) </li> <li> In your terminal, type: /Applications/VisIt.app/Contents/Resources/bin/visit -gui (or the correct path based to where you installed VisIt) </li> </ol> <hr> </hr>