

Reproducible research with remake on R

What: This courses introduces the remake package, a framework for managing computational projects in R. Remake is helpful for reducing compute time and for making research reproducible. The course suits researchers who are already using R code to produce figures and analyses and are looking for ways to improve their workflow.\

Where: University of NSW Colombo Theatre C 9:00-10:30, Dec 08 2015\

Instructors: Daniel Falster (Macquarie University), Will Cornwell (UNSW)\

Contact: Please mail daniel.falster@mq.edu.au for more information.\


Participants should bring a laptop with the following R packages installed.

First install some dependencies from cran as follows:

install.packages(c("R6", "yaml", "digest", "crayon", "optparse"))

Now we'll install some packages from github. For this, you'll need the package devtools. If you don't have devtools installed you will see an error "there is no package called 'devtools'"; if that happens install devtools with install.packages("devtools").

Then install the following two packages




Finally, it would be helpful if you installed the following packages will be used in the examples:

install.packages(c("knitr", "rmarkdown", "mapdata", "maps", "downloader", "smatr"))


Download the example for the tutorial here

A copy of the slides are available here