

Panoptic Segmentation Forecasting

Colin Graber, Grace Tsai, Michael Firman, Gabriel Brostow, Alexander Schwing - CVPR 2021

[Link to paper]

Animated gif showing visual comparison of our model's results compared against the hybrid baseline

We propose to study the novel task of ‘panoptic segmentation forecasting’: given a set of observed frames, the goal is to forecast the panoptic segmentation for a set of unobserved frames. We also propose a first approach to forecasting future panoptic segmentations. In contrast to typical semantic forecasting, we model the motion of individual object instances and the background separately. This makes instance information persistent during forecasting, and allows us to understand the motion of each moving object.

Image presenting the model diagram

⚙️ Setup


Install the code using the following command: pip install -e ./


Running our code

The scripts directory contains scripts which can be used to train and evaluate the foreground, background, and egomotion models. Note that these scripts should be run from the root project directory as shown below. Specifically:

We provide our pretrained foreground, background, and egomotion prediction models. The data downloading script additionally downloads these models into the directory pretrained_models/

✏️ 📄 Citation

If you found our work relevant to yours, please consider citing our paper:

 title   = {Panoptic Segmentation Forecasting},
 author  = {Colin Graber and
            Grace Tsai and
            Michael Firman and
            Gabriel Brostow and
            Alexander Schwing},
 booktitle = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ({CVPR})},
 year = {2021}

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Copyright © Niantic, Inc. 2021. Patent Pending. All rights reserved. Please see the license file for terms.