


How to configure a global Esperanto spellchecker for macOS


  1. Download both the .dic and .aff dictionary files

  2. Copy the dictionary files to the ~/Library/Spelling folder. (The Library folder is a hidden folder. To get to Home/Library, you hold down the Option key while doing Finder > Go)

  3. Go to System Settings -> Keyboard -> Clicking on "Edit" in Input Sources -> Spelling, at the bottom it shows "Set Up..."

<div align="center"> <img src="img_assets/w5WiMxY8.jpg" width="20%"> </div>
  1. Esperanto (Library) will now appear as an option. Click the checkbox to enable it. Esperanto spellcheck is now configured on macOS.
<div align="center"> <img src="img_assets/eA2hDpsv.jpg" width="50%"> </div>

How to Use

  1. Open up Pages and create a new document

  2. Click Edit -> Spelling and Grammar -> Show Spelling and Grammar

<div align="center"> <img src="img_assets/Settings1.jpg" width="50%"> </div>
  1. Ensure that Esperanto (Library) is selected as the active spelling language
<div align="center"> <img src="img_assets/Settings2.jpg" width="50%"> </div>
  1. Spellchecking in Esperanto is now active in Pages
<div align="center"> <img src="img_assets/Pages-preview.jpg" width="50%"> </div>


Dictionary files downloaded from OpenOffice (v0.4.0992 used)

Tutorials used:



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