

wllama - Wasm binding for llama.cpp

WebAssembly binding for llama.cpp

👉 Try the demo app

Recent changes

For more details, see releases



Demo and documentations

Main demo: https://github.ngxson.com/wllama/examples/main/dist/

Documentation: https://github.ngxson.com/wllama/docs/


How to use

Use Wllama inside React Typescript project

Install it:

npm i @wllama/wllama

For complete code, see examples/reactjs

NOTE: this example only covers completions usage. For embeddings, please see examples/embeddings/index.html

Prepare your model

Simple usage with ES6 module

For complete code, see examples/basic/index.html

import { Wllama } from './esm/index.js';

(async () => {
  const CONFIG_PATHS = {
    'single-thread/wllama.js'       : './esm/single-thread/wllama.js',
    'single-thread/wllama.wasm'     : './esm/single-thread/wllama.wasm',
    'multi-thread/wllama.js'        : './esm/multi-thread/wllama.js',
    'multi-thread/wllama.wasm'      : './esm/multi-thread/wllama.wasm',
    'multi-thread/wllama.worker.mjs': './esm/multi-thread/wllama.worker.mjs',
  // Automatically switch between single-thread and multi-thread version based on browser support
  // If you want to enforce single-thread, add { "n_threads": 1 } to LoadModelConfig
  const wllama = new Wllama(CONFIG_PATHS);
  // Define a function for tracking the model download progress
  const progressCallback =  ({ loaded, total }) => {
    // Calculate the progress as a percentage
    const progressPercentage = Math.round((loaded / total) * 100);
    // Log the progress in a user-friendly format
    console.log(`Downloading... ${progressPercentage}%`);
  await wllama.loadModelFromUrl(
  const outputText = await wllama.createCompletion(elemInput.value, {
    nPredict: 50,
    sampling: {
      temp: 0.5,
      top_k: 40,
      top_p: 0.9,

Split model

Cases where we want to split the model:

We use llama-gguf-split to split a big gguf file into smaller files. You can download the pre-built binary via llama.cpp release page:

# Split the model into chunks of 512 Megabytes
./llama-gguf-split --split-max-size 512M ./my_model.gguf ./my_model

This will output files ending with -00001-of-00003.gguf, -00002-of-00003.gguf, and so on.

You can then pass to loadModelFromUrl the URL of the first file and it will automatically load all the chunks:

await wllama.loadModelFromUrl(
    parallelDownloads: 5, // optional: maximum files to download in parallel (default: 3)

Custom logger (suppress debug messages)

When initializing Wllama, you can pass a custom logger to Wllama.

Example 1: Suppress debug message

import { Wllama, LoggerWithoutDebug } from '@wllama/wllama';

const wllama = new Wllama(pathConfig, {
  // LoggerWithoutDebug is predefined inside wllama
  logger: LoggerWithoutDebug,

Example 2: Add emoji prefix to log messages

const wllama = new Wllama(pathConfig, {
  logger: {
    debug: (...args) => console.debug('🔧', ...args),
    log: (...args) => console.log('ℹī¸', ...args),
    warn: (...args) => console.warn('⚠ī¸', ...args),
    error: (...args) => console.error('☠ī¸', ...args),

How to compile the binary yourself

This repository already come with pre-built binary from llama.cpp source code. However, in some cases you may want to compile it yourself:

You can use the commands below to compile it yourself:

# /!\ IMPORTANT: Require having docker compose installed

# Clone the repository with submodule
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ngxson/wllama.git
cd wllama

# Optionally, you can run this command to update llama.cpp to latest upstream version (bleeding-edge, use with your own risk!)
# git submodule update --remote --merge

# Install the required modules
npm i

# Firstly, build llama.cpp into wasm
npm run build:wasm
# Then, build ES module
npm run build


Short term:

Long term: