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A CLI built to modernize, standardize and make it easier to create/update Angular projects.
</div> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img alt="Build" src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="NPM Version" src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="Install Size" src=""> </a> <img alt="Top Language" src=""> <img alt="GitHub last commit" src=" commit"> <a href=""> <img alt="License" src=""> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="CLI Logo with red background" src="./icon.png" width="250"> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="#information_source-about">About</a> • <a href="#arrow_forward-installation">Installation</a> • <a href="#hammer_and_wrench-technologies">Technologies</a> • <a href="#hammer_and_wrench-commands">Commands</a> • <a href="#boy-author">Author</a> • <a href="#balance_scale-license">License</a> </p>:information_source: About
<div align="center">Command-line interface (CLI) built in Node.js allow you to automate repetitive tasks and make your life easier when working with Angular projects.
:arrow_forward: Installation
npm install @ngx-devs/cli -g
#run some command
ngxd g c sample
:hammer_and_wrench: Technologies
<div align="center">:globe_with_meridians: CLI |
Gluegun |
@angular-devkit/schematics |
TypeScript |
:robot: Commands
# create a new project
ngxd new <project-name>
:hammer_and_wrench: common
# create a new common component
ngxd generate component common <component-name>
# or
ngxd g c c <component-name>
:hammer_and_wrench: dialog
# create a new dialog component
ngxd generate component dialog <component-name>
# or
ngxd g c d <component-name>
:hammer_and_wrench: page
# create a new page component
ngxd generate component page <component-name>
# or
ngxd g c p <component-name>
:hammer_and_wrench: widget
# create a new widget component
ngxd generate component widget <component-name>
# or
ngxd g c w <component-name>
:hammer_and_wrench: common
# create a new common service
ngxd generate service common <service-name>
# or
ngxd g s c <service-name>
:hammer_and_wrench: api
# create a new api service
ngxd generate service api <service-name>
# or
ngxd g s a <service-name>
:hammer_and_wrench: ng-simple-state
# create a new ng-simple-state store
ngxd generate store ng-simple-state <store-name>
# or
ngxd g st sst <store-name>
:boy: Author
<div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" width="100px;" alt="Profile Photo Gleison Almeida"/> <br/> <sub><b>Gleison de Almeida</b></sub> </a>Developed with ❤️ by Gleison Almeida <br/> 👋🏽 My Contacts:
</div>:balance_scale: License
<div align="center">Copyright © 2021 Gleison Almeida.<br /> This project is licensed by MIT.