

Relation filtering, Stance detection, Sentiment Classification

This repository implements additional functionalities for the work FANG: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection Using Graph Representation, including

The main repo in the work can be found here

This repository is based on huggingface's transformers.


Untar datasets

tar xzvf GLUE.tar.gz
TaskDescriptionTrain bash scriptInference bash scriptData directory
Relation filteringFilter out user posts that is unrelated to the news titlefinetune_relation.shinfer_relation.shGLUE/RELATION
Stance detectionPredicting whether a user post supports/denies a news titlefinetune_stance.shinfer_stance.shGLUE/STANCE2
Sentiment classificationPredict the sentiment score of user postsfinetune_yelp.shinfer_yelp.shGLUE/YELP