


Next Generation Shell - custom runtime layer for AWS Lambda.

Consider this project experimental / alpha quality.

See https://github.com/ngs-lang/ngs/issues/88

Creating a Layer


./make-layer.ngs /path/to/sources/of/ngs

Take a note of LayerVersionArn.

If the build was OK but the publishing of the layer failed and you would like to retry the publishing after fixing the issue, run the following:

./make-layer.ngs /path/to/sources/of/ngs --no-build

How it Works

The make-layer.ngs script works roughly as follows:

Using the Layer

The created layer provides custom runtime. See the official documentation about using custom runtimes:


Use LayerVersionArn from the output of make-layer.ngs to configure your Lambda Function.

See also the examples directory.


To debug the bootstrap program, pass environment variable DEBUG=aws_lambda_bootstrap to the Lambda Function.


The handler function is called with two Hash objects as positional arguments: event and context, like in other languages supported by AWS Lambda.

Event Parameter

Event is arbitrary and completely depends on the invocation. Different types of events have different formats.

Context Parameter

Sample context (from a log):

{function_name=ngs-test-01, initialization_type=on-demand, log_stream_name=2022/01/04/[$LATEST]bfdd8e2d86ec44779cf284118be63e89, runtime_api=, log_group_name=/aws/lambda/ngs-test-01, function_version=$LATEST, function_memory_size=128, deadline_ms=1641291314318, aws_request_id=5edeb030-f279-49ae-a49c-2b54eafe7dcb, invoked_function_arn=arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:123456789:function:ngs-test-01, identity={}, client_context={}}