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(Angular Reactive) Forms with Benefits šŸ˜‰

How many times have you told yourself "I wish Angular Reactive Forms would support types", or "I really want an API to query the form reactively. It missed some methods."

Your wish is my command! <br> This library extends every Angular AbstractControl, and provides features that don't exist in the original one. It adds types, reactive queries, and helper methods. The most important thing is that you can start using it today! In most cases, the only thing that you need to change is the import path. So don't worry, no form refactoring required - we've got you covered;

Let's take a look at all the neat things we provide:

šŸ”® Features

āœ… Offers (almost) seamless FormControl, FormGroup, FormArray Replacement<br> āœ… Allows Typed Forms! <br> āœ… Provides Reactive Queries <br> āœ… Provides Helpful Methods <br> āœ… Typed and DRY ControlValueAccessor <br> āœ… Typed FormBuilder <br> āœ… Persist the form's state to local storage

šŸ‘‰ npm install @ngneat/reactive-forms

Table of Contents

Control Type

FormControl/FormArray takes a generic that defines the type of the control. This type is then used to enhance every method exposed by Angular or this library.

Use it with a FormControl:

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl<string>();

// Or auto infer it based on the initial value
const control = new FormControl('');

control.valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
  // value is typed as string

Use it with a FormArray:

import { FormArray, FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormArray<string>([new FormControl('')]);

control.value$.subscribe(value => {
  // value is typed as string[]

If you use a FormGroup, it'll automatically infer the type based on the controls you supply:

import { FormGroup, FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const profileForm = new FormGroup({
  firstName: new FormControl(''),
  lastName: new FormControl(''),
  address: new FormGroup({
    street: new FormControl(''),
    city: new FormControl('')

profileForm.setValue(new Profile());

profileForm.patchValue({ firstName: 'Netanel' });

You can use the experimental ControlsOf feature if you want to force a FormGroup to implement an external type:

import { FormGroup, FormControl, ControlsOf } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

interface Profile {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  address: {
    street: string;
    city: string;

const profileForm = new FormGroup<ControlsOf<Profile>>({
  firstName: new FormControl(''),
  lastName: new FormControl(''),
  address: new FormGroup({
    street: new FormControl(''),
    city: new FormControl('')


interface User {
  name: string;
  // šŸ‘‡šŸ»
  skills: FormControl<string[]>;
interface User {
  name?: string;
  foo?: string[]; 
  // šŸ‘‡šŸ» will not work 
  nested?: {
    id: string;

Control Queries


Observes the control's value. Unlike the behavior of the built-in valueChanges observable, it emits the current rawValue immediately (which means you'll also get the values of disabled controls).

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.value$.subscribe(value => ...);


Observes the control's disable status.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.disabled$.subscribe(isDisabled => ...);


Observes the control's enable status.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.enabled$.subscribe(isEnabled => ...);


Observes the control's invalid status.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.invalid$.subscribe(isInvalid => ...);


Observes the control's valid status.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.valid$.subscribe(isValid => ...);


Observes the control's status.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.status$.subscribe(status => ...);

The status is typed as ControlState (valid, invalid, pending or disabled).


Observes the control's touched status.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.touch$.subscribe(isTouched => ...);

This emits a value only when markAsTouched, or markAsUnTouched, has been called.


Observes the control's dirty status.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.dirty$.subscribe(isDirty => ...);

This emits a value only when markAsDirty, or markAsPristine, has been called.


Observes the control's errors.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');
control.errors$.subscribe(errors => ...);


Selects a slice of the form's state based on the given predicate.

import { FormGroup } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const group = new FormGroup({
  name: new FormControl('')

group.select(state => state.name).subscribe(name => ...)

Control Methods


In addition to the built-in method functionality, it can also take an observable.

import { FormGroup } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const group = new FormGroup({
  name: new FormControl('')



In addition to the built-in method functionality, it can also take an observable.

import { FormGroup } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const group = new FormGroup({
  name: new FormControl('')



Takes an observable that emits a boolean indicating whether to disable the control.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');


Takes an observable that emits a boolean indicating whether to enable the control.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');


Marks all the group's controls as dirty.

import { FormGroup } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormGroup();


A syntactic sugar method to be used in the template:

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
<span *ngIf="control.hasErrorAndTouched('required')"></span>


A syntactic sugar method to be used in the template:

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
<span *ngIf="control.hasErrorAndDirty('required')"></span>


Sets whether the control is enabled.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');


Sets whether the control is disabled.

import { FormControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormControl('');


A method with typed parameters which obtains a reference to a specific control.

import { FormGroup } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const group = new FormGroup({
  name: new FormControl(''),
  address: new FormGroup({
    street: new FormControl(''),
    city: new FormControl('')

const name = group.get('name'); // FormControl<string>
const city = group.get(['address', 'city']); // FormControl<string>

// Don't use it like this
group.get('address.city') // AbstractControl


Merge validation errors. Unlike setErrors(), this will not overwrite errors already held by the control.

import { FormGroup } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const group = new FormGroup(...);
group.mergeErrors({ customError: true });


Remove an error by key from the control.

import { FormGroup } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const group = new FormGroup(...);

FormArray methods


Remove a control from an array based on its value

import { FormArray } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const array = new FormArray<string>(...);
// Remove empty strings


Remove a control from an array based on a predicate

import { FormArray } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const array = new FormArray(...);
// Only keep addresses in NYC
array.removeIf((control) => control.get('address').get('city').value !== 'New York')

Control Operators

Each valueChanges or values$ takes an operator diff(), which emits only changed parts of form:

import { FormGroup, FormControl, diff } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const control = new FormGroup({
  name: new FormControl(''),
  phone: new FormGroup({
    num: new FormControl(''),
    prefix: new FormControl('')
  skills: new FormArray<string>([])

  .subscribe(value => {
    // value is emitted only if it has been changed, and only the changed parts.


The library exposes a typed version of ControlValueAccessor, which already implements registerOnChange and registerOnTouched under the hood:

import { ControlValueAccessor } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

  selector: 'my-checkbox',
  host: { '(change)': 'onChange($event.target.checked)', '(blur)': 'onTouched()' },
  providers: [
      provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
      useExisting: MyCheckboxComponent,
      multi: true
export class MyCheckboxComponent extends ControlValueAccessor<boolean> {
  writeValue(value: boolean) {


  // `this.onChange`, and `this.onTouched` are already here!

Note that you can also use it as interface.

Form Builder

We also introduce a typed version of FormBuilder which returns a typed FormGroup, FormControl and FormArray with all our sweet additions:

import { FormBuilder } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

  private fb: FormBuilder
) {}

const group = this.fb.group({ name: 'ngneat', id: 1 });

group.get('name') // FormControl<string>

Due to the complexity of the builder API, we are currently couldn't create a "good" implementation of ControlsOf for the builder.

Persist Form

Automatically persist the AbstractControl's value to the given storage:

import { persistControl } from '@ngneat/reactive-forms';

const group = new FormGroup(...);
const unsubscribe = persistControl(group, 'profile').subscribe();

The persistControl function will also set the FromGroup value to the latest state available in the storage before subscribing to value changes.


Change the target storage or debounceTime value by providing options as a second argument in the persist function call.

debounceTimeUpdate delay in ms between value changes250
managerA manager implementing the PersistManager interfaceLocalStorageManager
arrControlFactoryFactory functions for FormArray
persistDisabledControlsDefines whether values of disabled controls should be persistedfalse

By default the library provides LocalStorageManager and SessionStorageManager. It's possible to store the form value into a custom storage. Just implement the PersistManager interface, and use it when calling the persistControl function.

export class StateStoreManager<T> implements PersistManager<T> {
  setValue(key: string, data: T) {

  getValue(key: string) {

export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
  group = new FormGroup();

  ngOnInit() {
    persist(this.group, 'profile', { manager: new StateStoreManager() }).subscribe();
Using FormArray Controls.

When working with a FormArray, it's required to pass a factory function that defines how to create the controls inside the FormArray.

const group = new FormGroup({
  skills: new FormArray<string>([])

persist(group, 'profile', {
  arrControlFactory: {
     skills: value => new FormControl(value)

Because the form is strongly typed, you can only configure factories for properties that are of type Array. The library makes it also possible to correctly infer the type of value for the factory function.

ESLint Rule

We provide a special lint rule that forbids the imports of any token we expose, such as the following: AbstractControl, AsyncValidatorFn, ControlValueAccessor, FormArray, FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup, ValidatorFn, from @angular/forms.

Check out the documentation.