

Angular UI auto-complete

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The project need your help, any help for fixing bugs and improvements are welcome!


  1. install @ngui/auto-complete

     $ npm install @ngui/auto-complete --save
  2. import NguiAutoCompleteModule to your AppModule

     import { NguiAutoCompleteModule } from '@ngui/auto-complete';
       imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule, NguiAutoCompleteModule],
       declarations: [AppComponent],
       providers: [HTTP_PROVIDERS],
       bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
     export class AppModule { }

Usage it in your code

  1. As a component

    <ngui-auto-complete [(ngModel)]="myData" [source]="mySource"></ngui-auto-complete>
  2. As a directive

    <input auto-complete [(ngModel)]="myData" [source]="mySource" />

For full example, please check demo directory to see the example of app.module.ts and app.component.ts.


You can look at different showcases for it here as Component or Directive.


All options are optional except ngModel and source

Below are plunks for different scenarios:

Template Driven Forms

Reactive Forms

Material Design

Observable Source

List Formatter Example

Contributors are welcomed

This module is only improved and maintained by contributors like you;

As a contributor, it's NOT required to be skilled in Javascript nor Angular. You can contribute to the following;

In result of your active contribution, you will be listed as a core contributor on https://ng2-ui.github.io, and a member of ng2-ui too.

If you are interested in becoming a contributor and/or a member of ng-ui, please send me email to allenhwkim AT gmail.com with your GitHub id.

For Developers

To start

$ git clone https://github.com/ng2-ui/auto-complete.git
$ cd auto-complete
$ npm install
$ npm build-lib:watch

$ # On different instance

$ npm start

To publish

$ npm build-lib:prod
$ cd dist
$ npm publish

To build new docs version

$ npm build-docs

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