


Game Template some stuff taken care for Godot users not to worry about creating most boring and tedious work.
Main branch will be compatible with pixel art games, since those games require some more work to get everything right.
I'd be happy for any contribution to make this template as good as it can be and it is open for branching out Hi-Res game branch.

*Read this in other languages: Español


How to use


<div align="left"> <a href="https://youtu.be/oi_V9w3DayA"> <img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/oi_V9w3DayA/0.jpg" alt="State machine walkthrough" style="width:100%;"> </a> </div>

Singletone roles:

Options menu

Every settings option gets saved uppon exiting Options menu.

Languages menu

At the moment simplified interaction. Russian is translated but excluded in options because font doesn't support Cyrillic letters (If you know good pixel art font with Cyrillic supporl, please let me know).

Key action binding menu

Godot editor InputMap influenced rebinding with auto-detect function.
Buttons gets saved uppon exiting Options menu.
