


Substr3am is a python tool inspired by subbrute and Sublist3r designed to generate a list of potential subdomains using the certstream service. It helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather subdomains for their lists by connecting to the certstream firehose, watching for real subdomains, and adding them to a list for use with the above tools.


git clone https://github.com/nexxai/Substr3am.git

Recommended Python Version:

Substr3am currently supports Python 3. Stop using Python 2. I suck at Python and even I know that.

NOTE: There is currently an issue with a dependency and Python v3.9 so do not upgrade to that version for now as you will receive websockets errors until the dependency is updated.


Substr3am depends on the certstream, argparse, tldextract, and sqlalchemy python modules.

These dependencies can be installed using the requirements file:

c:\python\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Short FormLong FormDescription
./Substr3amStart collecting subdomains and write them to the subdomains.db sqlite DB
./Substr3am -f [DOMAINS]./Substr3am --filter [DOMAINS]A space-separated list of domain names to filter for (e.g. 'google.com' or 'tesco.co.uk tesco.com harrods.com'). BE PATIENT - if you are filtering by domain(s), there will only be activity when new certs are issued so just let it run and it'll announce when it sees any new ones.
./Substr3am -d./Substr3am --dumpDump the list of collected subdomains to names.txt


python3 Substr3am.py -f google.com google.cn microsoft.com uber.com

python3 Substr3am.py -d


Substr3am is licensed under the GNU GPL license. take a look at the LICENSE for more information.



Current version is 1.0