Phylogenetic toy pipeline
A proof of concept of a Phylogenetic pipeline intended to show Nextflow scripting and reproducibility capabilities.
To run Phytoy-NF you need to install nextflow, by simply checking if you have Java 7+ and if yes, by then typing the following command:
curl -fsSL | bash
If you want to replicate exactly the pipeline and/or not install all the dependencies Phytoy-NF has, then you also need to install Docker and run Phytoy-NF with the '-with-docker' flag, as demonstrated below. Otherwise all the dependencies of Phytoy-NF have to be installed and put in the PATH.
Install Docker on your computer. Read more here.
You can run Phytoy-NF using the following commands:
nextflow run phytoy-nf -with-docker [Phytoy-NF command line options]
Command line options:
--in Path specifying one or more protein sequence datasets in fasta format to be analysed
--out Output directory
nextflow run nextflow run phytoy-nf --in '/some/path/*.fasta' --out /my/results