

A hight quality tools to reverse engineering code from android.

This project aims to select the best tools, to get the code from apk to .java. A second objective is set the state of art for reverse engineering tools (Apr, 2017).

Lets Go! This project is maintained by @nextco

No process guarantees 100% code reversion but surely we can achieve clues to ensure the highest accuracy.

The process

Install, intense test the tools, no short path and select the best.
Tested on Arch Linux & Windows 8.1 Pro
Time Spend: 5 days.


A curated list is create by Aditya Agrawal

Get info of Apk

Goal - Get AndroidManifest.xml

Get permissions, activity names, package names

ClassyShark is also useful to accurate spy the class, constructors, variables and method names

<p align="center"> <img src="img/classyshark-spy.png"> </p>

Goal - Get Resources

Get images, assets, html, sounds, js.

<p align="center"> <img src="img/apktool-resources.png"> </p>

Get .jar from .apk

.dex files need translated to java bytecode, this process are critical because of this output depend the accuracy on obtained code

I know dex2jar, on this project aim to select the best tools currently, dex2jar is careless and outdated.

Get .java from .jar

Fortunately on this point are good choices, they are sorted by my own use.

Show Java Android App Download Source

<p align="center"> <img src="img/show-java.png"> <img src="img/show-java-1.png"> </p>

jadx-gui Download

jd-gui Download

<p align="center"> <img src="img/jd-gui.png"> </p>

CFR 0_121 Download

<p align="center"> <img src="img/cfr.png"> </p>

d4j-procyon Download

Also tested:
FernFlower & Krakatau unsuccessfully not recommended dev in early stages
Bytecode Viewer not recommended currently is outdated hope update with last versions.

Extra - Android Player

This is special category, because i want Play Store, Games, Apps a virtual replace of my android on PC, not for dev. A complete replace for phone on pc for daily use.

<p align="center"> <img src="img/nox-player.png"> </p>

Also test BlueStacks to lag for me.

Next Steps.

On next steps for dev app best emulator are of course, Android Emulator

<p align="center"> <img src="img/android-emulator.png"> </p>

Promises, Look Good!