DynamicMatic is a tiny Sinatra extension that integrates Sinatra with StaticMatic. It allows most of your site to be static while having a few dynamic pages that can use the StaticMatic layouts and partials.
Your Sinatra and StaticMatic apps live side-by-side.
The StaticMatic site
directory is used as the directory for Sinatra's public files,
and the src
directory contains the source for the static pages
and the layouts that are shared between StaticMatic and Sinatra.
Otherwise the standard Sinatra directories are used.
If the Sinatra :root
option is changed,
DynamicMatic will respect that and set the StaticMatic paths appropriately.
If you're using a classic-style Sinatra application,
all you have to do is require 'sinatra/dynamicmatic'
If you're using a modular application,
you'll also have to include Sinatra::DynamicMatic
in your Sinatra::Base
How it Works
The static pages and stylesheets in the StaticMatic src
are served statically - they should be compiled before the server is started.
This can be done using"build")
in your Sinatra app.
Any dynamic Sinatra pages can make use of the StaticMatic layouts and helpers, but are rendered dynamically on each request.
StaticMatic layouts are made available as normal Sinatra templates.
For example, if you have src/layouts/application.haml
and src/layouts/help.haml
will be used as the :application
and help.haml
will be used as the :help
will also be used for the default layout for Sinatra pages.
All the StaticMatic helpers, including those for partial-rendering, are available in Sinatra views. The reverse is not true; Sinatra helpers are generally not available for StaticMatic pages, since they are rendered statically.
Sinatra helpers are, however, available for StaticMatic layouts
but only when they're being used for dynamic views.
It's not safe to rely on them being there,
although you can check for their existence with defined?
and call them if they're there.
StaticMatic is configured using src/configuration.rb
Sinatra is configured using the set
In other words, configuration happens as usual.
When you run your app in development mode,
your static pages are actually generated dynamically on each request,
just like with staticmatic preview
Once you're in production, though,
they're all served swiftly from the site