

Neutrino JavaScript SDK



let app = Neutrino.app('{applicationId}');

Get collection

let collection = app.collection('cars');

Create object

let realtimeObject = collection.create({
  color: 'red',
  year: 2016

let simpleObject = collection.createSimple({
  color: 'blue',
  year: 2015

Get single object

let realtimeObject = collection.get('{object-id}');

or get simple object

let simpleObject = collection.getSimple('{object-id}');

Get array of objects

let allObjects = collection.get();

or with filter

let filteredObjects = collection.get({year: 2016});

Same goes for getSimple here too.

Object updates

Realtime objects are updated automatically with updates from the server and local ones.

let realtimeObject = collection.get('{object-id}');
realtimeObject.year = 2014;

Simple objects must be updated manually

let simpleObject = collection.getSimple('{object-id}');
simpleObject.year = 2014;

Simple objects must also manually fetch updates from the server

let simpleObject = collection.getSimple('{object-id}');
console.log(simpleObject.year); //2015
//updated on the server to 2014
console.log(simpleObject.year); //2014

Deleting objects

The delete method works the same for both realtime and simple objects.

let object = collection.get('{object-id}');

Deleting all items from collection

let realtimeArray = collection.get();
realtimeArray.forEach(object => object.delete());