

Hierarchical attention for sentiment classification

Our recipe is based on a frequently cited paper, Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification (Z. Yang et al.), published in 2017. We will classify the IMDB's reviews as positive and negative (25k reviews for training and the same number for testing). The proposed neural network’s architecture makes two steps:

  1. It encodes sentences. The attention mechanism predicts the importance of each word in the final embedding of a sentence.
  2. It encodes texts. The attention mechanism predicts the importance of each sentence in the final embedding of a text.

This architecture is interesting because it allows us to create an illustration to better understand which words and sentences were important for prediction. More information can be found in the original article.

The architecture of the Hierarchical Attention Network (HAN):

This recipe includes two scenarios:


Quick Start

0. Sign up at neu.ro
1. Install CLI and log in
pip install -U neuromation
neuro login
2. Run the recipe
git clone git@github.com:neuromation/ml-recipe-hier-attention.git
cd ml-recipe-hier-attention
make setup
make jupyter

Training commands

0. Setup.

1. Training from scratch.

2. Running the notebook.


Autogenerated description:

This project is created from Neuro Platform Project Template.

Development Environment

This project is designed to run on Neuro Platform, so you can jump into problem-solving right away.

Directory structure

Local directoryDescriptionStorage URIEnvironment mounting point
src/Python modulesstorage:ml-recipe-hier-attention/src//ml-recipe-hier-attention/src/
notebooks/Jupyter notebooksstorage:ml-recipe-hier-attention/notebooks//ml-recipe-hier-attention/notebooks/
No directoryLogs and resultsstorage:ml-recipe-hier-attention/results//ml-recipe-hier-attention/results/


Follow the instructions below to set up the environment and start your Jupyter Notebook development session.

Setup development environment

make setup

Run Jupyter with GPU

make jupyter

Kill Jupyter

make kill-jupyter

This command terminates the job with Jupyter Notebooks. The notebooks remain saved on the platform’s storage. If you’d like to download them to the local notebooks/ directory, just run make download-notebooks.


make help


Uploading via Web UI

On your local machine, run make filebrowser and open the job's URL on your mobile device or desktop. Through a simple file explorer interface, you can upload test images and perform file operations.

Uploading via CLI

On your local machine, run make upload-data. This command pushes local files from ./data into storage:ml-recipe-hier-attention/data and mounts them to your development environment's /project/data.


Several variables in Makefile are intended to be modified according to the project’s specifics. To change them, find the corresponding line in Makefile and update it.

Data location


This project template implies that your data is stored alongside the project. If this is the case, you don't need to change this variable. However, if your data is shared between several projects on the platform, you will need to change the following line to point to its location. For example:


Training machine type


There are several machine types supported on the platform. Run neuro config show to see the list.

HTTP authentication


When jobs with HTTP interface are executed (for example, with Jupyter Notebooks or TensorBoard), this interface requires that the user be authenticated on the platform. However, if you want to share the link with someone who is not registered on the platform, you may disable the authentication requirement by updating this line to HTTP_AUTH?=--no-http-auth.

Training command

TRAINING_COMMAND?='echo "Replace this placeholder with a training script execution"'

If you want to train some models from code instead of from Jupyter Notebook, you need to update this line. For example:

TRAINING_COMMAND="bash -c 'cd $(PROJECT_PATH_ENV) && python -u $(CODE_DIR)/train.py --data $(DATA_DIR)'"