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Json-smart development started in 2010, when SQL servers did not support native JSON fields, NoSQL databases were slowly emerging, and all the existing JSON APIs were bogus. I wrote lots of tests to benchmark and compare JSON java parsers.

I never liked SQL databases because it's almost impossible to update a data model without impacting the production platform. Adding a column is a terrible operation.

So I started json-smart. All non-indexed data in my datastores were stored in a column as a serialized JSON message. To fit MySQL varchar(255) fields, I tried to make my JSON as small as possible, so json-smart is optimized to produce small JSON-like Strings.

Now times have changed: most of the JSON APIs are now stable, and I'm now using document-oriented databases and JSON-native SQL types.

So I do not use my json-smart anymore. I had fun with this project. If you want to apply some change on json-smart create a pull request with lots of JUnit tests.

WIKI is here


V 2.5.1 (2024-03-14)

V 2.5.0 (2023-07-10)

V 2.4.11 (2023-05-18)

V 2.4.10 (2023-03-17)

V 2.4.9 (2023-03-07)

V 2.4.8 (2022-02-13)

V 2.4.7 (2021-06-02)

V 2.4.6 (2021-04-23)

V 2.4.5 (2021-04-19)

V 2.4.4 (2021-04-17)

V 2.4.2 (2021-04-04)

V 2.4.2 (2021-04-03)

V 2.3.1 (2021-05-02)

V 2.3 (2017-03-26)

V 2.2.2

V 2.2.1 (2015-10-08)

V 2.2 (2015-07-29)

V 2.1.0 (2014-10-19)

V 2.0 (2014-08-12)

V 2.0-RC3 (2013-08-14)

V 2.0-RC2 (2012-04-03)

V 2.0-RC1 (2012-02-18)