A typewriter effect wrapper for Javascript library
<h3>Initialize the typewriter anywhere in your game</h3>var typewriter = new Typewriter();
typewriter.init(gameInstance, options);
pass necesery options like: context (the object that launches the typewriter)
typewriter.init(gameInstance, {
x: 290,
y: 40,
fontFamily: "chillerBlack",
fontSize: 26,
maxWidth: 300,
sound: reg.track,
text: "Some text to be typed!"
<img src=""/>
<strong>View example: <a href="">Complete example <span>(make sure to listen to the writing sound playing in the background ;) )</span></a></strong>
<hr><strong>Game Instance</strong> The game instance that we want the tooltips to appear to, such as "game"
<strong>General Options:</strong>
<ul> <li><strong>text:</strong> The text to be written automatically</li> <li><strong>x</strong> The x position of the text (default: 100)</li> <li><strong>y</strong> The y position of the text (default: 100)</li> <li><strong>writerObj</strong> A Phaser.Text or Phaser.BitmapText object, pre-created</li> <li><strong>writerFn: </strong> The function to call when writing the text (default: null)</li> <li><strong>endFn: </strong> The function to call when the writing ends (defailt: null)</li> <li><strong>time: </strong> The duration of the animation effect writing each letter (default: 100ms)</li> <li><strong>maxWidth: </strong> The maximum width where the text will wrap (default: 200)</li> <li><strong>fontFamily: </strong> The font family for the text to be writen (default: Arial)</li> <li><strong>fontSize: </strong> The font size for the text (default: 28)</li> <li><strong>sound: </strong> The sound effect to play during the typewriter effect, it auto-stops when typing ends (default: null)</li> </ul><strong>API Functions</strong>
<ul> <li><strong>init: </strong> Adds the options and game object to the Typewriter constructor</li> <li><strong>start: </strong> Enables and starts the typewriter effect</li> <li><strong>destroy: </strong> Destroys the typewriter object</li> <li><strong>hideText: </strong> Hide the text</li> <li><strong>showText: </strong> Show the text</li> <li><strong>moveToTop: </strong> Move the text to the top</li> </ul> <i> </i> <hr><strong>Buy me a coffee or tea!</strong> <br> <a href="¤cy_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted"><img src=""/></a>
<hr>The TODO list is diminising!
Please let me know if you come across some bug or have something to contribute