


Inspired by the closed source FireBlock tool FireBlock from MdSec NightHawk, I decided to create my own version and this tool was created with the aim of blocking the outbound traffic of running EDR processes using Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) APIs.

This tool offers the following features:

The tool currently supports the following EDRs:

As I do not have access to all these EDRs for testing, please do not hesitate to correct me if the listed processes (edrProcess in EDRSilencer.c) prove insufficient in blocking all alert, detection, or event forward traffic.

Testing Environment

Tested in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016


Usage: EDRSilencer.exe <blockedr/block/unblockall/unblock>
- Add WFP filters to block the IPv4 and IPv6 outbound traffic of all detected EDR processes:
  EDRSilencer.exe blockedr

- Add WFP filters to block the IPv4 and IPv6 outbound traffic of a specific process (full path is required):
  EDRSilencer.exe block "C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe"

- Remove all WFP filters applied by this tool:
  EDRSilencer.exe unblockall

- Remove a specific WFP filter based on filter id:
  EDRSilencer.exe unblock <filter id>


x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc EDRSilencer.c utils.c -o EDRSilencer.exe -lfwpuclnt


Detect and block the outbound traffic of running EDR processes

EDRSilencer.exe blockedr


