

<p align="center"> <h1 align="center">FlowVision</h1> <h3 align="center">Waterfall-style Image Viewer for macOS<br><br><a href="./README_zh.md">[中文说明]</a></h3> </p>

GitHub License


Light Mode


Dark Mode



Installation and Usage

System Requirements

Privacy and Security

Homebrew Install

Initial Installation

brew tap netdcy/flowvision
brew install flowvision --no-quarantine

Upgrade ('--no-quarantine' must be added when upgrading or reinstalling)

brew update
brew upgrade flowvision --no-quarantine


In Image View:

Right-Click Gestures:

Keyboard Shortcuts:


Q1: Why can't I open the application? I see a warning saying the app is not trusted.

A1: This happens because the app is not notarized by Apple. Please follow the instructions provided in Apple support article to open the app.

Q2: Why isn't the application notarized?

A2: Notarizing an app requires an annual $100 fee to Apple. To keep the software free, we haven't notarized it. If you prefer, you can build the app yourself from the source code.



Xcode 15.2+



  1. Clone the source code of the project and libraries.

  2. For ffmpeg-kit, it need to be built to binary first. If you want to save time, you can directly download its pre-built binary, named like ffmpeg-kit-full-gpl-6.0-macos-xcframework.zip (not LTS version). Unzip it, then execute this in terminal to remove its quarantine attribute:

    sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine ./ffmpeg-kit-full-gpl-6.0-macos-xcframework
  3. Organize the directory structure as shown below:

    ├── FlowVision
    │   ├── FlowVision.xcodeproj
    │   └── FlowVision
    │       └── Sources
    ├── ffmpeg-kit-build
    │   └── bundle-apple-xcframework-macos
    │       ├── ffmpegkit.xcframework
    │       └── ...
    ├── BTree
    │   ├── Package.swift
    │   └── Sources
    └── Settings
        ├── Package.swift
        └── Sources
  4. Open FlowVision.xcodeproj by Xcode, click 'Product' -> 'Build For' -> 'Profiling' in menu bar.

  5. Then 'Product' -> 'Show Build Folder in Finder', and you will find the app is at Products/Release/FlowVison.app.


This project is licensed under the GPL License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.