

Lovelace banner card

A fluffy linkable banner with interactive glances to spice up your home dashboards

Example 1Example 2
Example 3Example 2


Try HACS first

  1. Download the banner-card.js from the latest release and store it in your configuration/www folder. Previously you could download the source file from Github but starting from the 0.14 release that is no longer possible. If you try to do so it will crash
  2. Configure Lovelace to load the card:
  - url: /local/banner-card.js?v=1
    type: module

<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nervetattoo"><img src="https://img.buymeacoffee.com/button-api/?text=Buy me a coffee&emoji=&slug=nervetattoo&button_colour=FFDD00&font_colour=000000&font_family=Cookie&outline_colour=000000&coffee_colour=ffffff"></a>

Available configuration options:

heading_stringarray_The heading to display. Set to false to hide header (Note: Also remember to escape!). Can also be an array, with icons.
backgroundstringA valid CSS color to use as the backgroundbackground: "#EDE7B0", background: red
colorstringA valid CSS color to use as the text colorcolor: "#EDE7B0", color: red
linkstringA link, to a different view in HA for examplelink: /lovelace/living_room
entitiesarrayAn array of entities to display for glances. Either as strings or as objectsentities: [binary_sensor.remote_ui]
row_size_numberstring_Number of columns in the grid. 3 is the default and what looks best in many cases. Set "auto" to equal row_size to number of entities provided
entities[].entitystringEntity id- entity: binary_sensor.remote_ui
entities[].unitstring or falseOverride the automatic unitunit: My unit
entities[].namestringOverride the automatic usage of friendly_namename: A sensor
entities[].map_stateobjectMap state values to resulting text or icons. A string prefixed with mdi: or hass: will yield a rendered icon.map_state:<br /> home: mdi:home-account<br /> not_home: mdi:walk
entities[].attributestringDisplay an attribute instead of the state
entities[].sizenumberOverride how many "entity cells" this entity will fill. The default for most entities is 1 cell, except if you include a media_player which will use whatever is the value for row_size, thus full width.
entities[].whenstring or objectOnly display this entity when these tests passSee separate section
entities[].imageboolForce display the value as a rounded imageWill use the provided value as a background for the <state-badge> component from HA
entities[].actionobjectSpecify a service to be called on tap. Will result in either an icon (if a valid icon is set as value with map_state) or a button with the state value as textSee separate section


Previously headings only allowed strings and icons were a hack using unicode emojis. From 0.10.0 you can however render icons from the mdi/hass icon sets:

type: custom:banner-card
  - mdi:shower
  - Bathroom

Using the alternate YAML form for arrays might be more/less readable depending on your preference:

type: custom:banner-card
heading: [mdi:shower, Bathroom]

You can combine as many texts and icons as you like this way.

type: custom:banner-card
heading: [mdi:shower, Bathroom, mdi:paper-roll]


You can use map_state to force a value or icon to be rendered when the entity has a certain state. It either supports a full object where you can override any key for the entity, like value, name, unit and so on, or a shorthand string that maps to value. Both forms in an example:

entity: media_player.office
  playing: mdi:disc-player
    value: mdi:stop
    name: A custom entity heading

Using when

You can filter entities with a simple but powerful when object. This allows you to filter based on state and/or attributes. It is probably simpliest explained through a few examples

This limits to only showing a media_player entity when it is playing. It uses the shorthand form for when where a simple string is used instead of specifying an object with state key.

entity: media_player.office
when: playing

This example limits to only showing a light entity when its on and above a certain brightness

entity: light.my_light
  state: "on"
    brightness: [">", 50]

The last example shows how passing a simple string/number will imply an equality operator check, whereas you can configure using an array to using different operators. The following operators exist:

When operators

=Equal check to either match a string/number/boolean input, or if given an array, check that the real value exists inside said array. This is the default operator used when a simple value is setstate: ['=', 'on', 'off']
!=Not equal check that is exactly like the equal check, just negated (opposite results)fan_mode: ['!=', 'On Low', 'Auto Low']
>Bigger than checks if real value is bigger than what is set. Does not support multiple valuesbrightness: ['>', 50]
<Smaller than checks if real value is smaller than what is set. Does not support multiple valuesbrightness: ['<', 50]

Using entity action

You can add simple buttons by specifying the action property for an entity. This is intended for simple use cases to start scripts or set a light to specific brightness for example. You can enforce a fixed icon using a crazy hack (and there I made it a feature) that sets an entities value via config. (Its normaly read from state). You can also use map_state to use different icons for different states.

entity: light.my_light
name: Reading light
value: mdi:book-open-page-variant
  service: light.turn_on
  brightness: 50

CSS vars for theming

Please see the official docs on theming or check out a tutorial like this one The card uses the following CSS variables:

Var nameDefault valueUsage
--banner-card-error-colorvar(--lumo-error-color)Background color when there's an error crashing the card
--banner-card-heading-size3emThe main heading of the card
--banner-card-entity-value-size1.5emEntity value font size
--banner-card-media-title-size0.9emMedia player fonts title font size
--banner-card-button-size32pxSize of buttons
--banner-card-spacing4pxBase unit for spacing. Used in multiples many places
--banner-card-heading-color-darkvar(--primary-text-color)The card measures your bg color to figure out to use dark or light text color
--banner-card-heading-color-light#fffThe card measures your bg color to figure out to use dark or light text color


Using map_state to render a switch as a colored icon

- entity: switch.switch
  name: Is it on?
  domain: sensor
  value: mdi:star
  color: black
      color: yellow

Use a background image instead of a color

type: custom:banner-card
background: 'url("https://source.unsplash.com/random/500x300")'
heading: Image bacground

Basic examples

type: custom:banner-card
background: "#EDE7B0"
heading: "\U0001F6CB Living room"
link: /lovelace/living_room
  - light.fibaro_system_fgd212_dimmer_2_level
  - light.fibaro_system_fgd212_dimmer_2_level_3
  - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_temperature_6
  - entity: sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_luminance_6
    name: Lux
  - entity: cover.fibaro_system_fgrm222_roller_shutter_controller_2_level
    name: Roller shutter
type: custom:banner-card
  - mdi:shower
  - Bathroom
background: "#B0C2ED"
link: /lovelace/bathroom
  - entity: light.fibaro_system_fgd212_dimmer_2_level_11
    name: Light
  - entity: sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_temperature_5
    name: Temperature
  - entity: sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_relative_humidity_5
    name: Humidity