


Fork of tabnine-vscode

This is the coc.nvim client for Tabnine, the all-language autocompleter.


In your vim/neovim, run command:

:CocInstall coc-tabnine


Run :CocCommand to open commands list.

Note: to make coc.nvim works better with Tabnine, add "ignore_all_lsp": true to config file of Tabnine.


Use command :CocConfig to open user configuration file of coc.nvim.

OptionDescriptionDefault value
tabnine.shortcutShortcut for Tabnine source."TN"
tabnine.triggersTrigger characters of Tabnine source.[]
tabnine.priorityPriority of Tabnine source999
tabnine.binary_pathUse binary at specific path.""
tabnine.disable_filetypesDisable Tabnine for configured filetypes.[]
tabnine.disable_file_regexDisable Tabnine when the file path contains a match of any of the provided regexes. For example, add "[.]js\$" to disable Tabnine in JavaScript files.[]
tabnine.disable_line_regexDisable Tabnine when the current line contains a match of any of the provided regexes. For example, add "require" to disable Tabnine when the current line contains the word require.[]

Magic Strings

Configure Tabnine itself by inputting a special_commands string_ like Tabnine::config or Tabnine::restart in any buffer and trigger autocomplete. A full list of available special_commands is available here: https://www.tabnine.com/faq#special_commands


This library does not configure Tabnine's Pro API key, if you've purchased a subscription license. To configure, you'll need to use the Tabnine::config magic string to update your preferences.

Note: An API key is not required to use coc-tabnine.
