


This script converts GIFs into 2-color frames for Flipper Zero. It resizes frames to 128x64 pixels, saves as PNG files, and generates the meta file for it. Ideal for Flipper Zero animations.

Flipper Zero GIF to 2-Color Frames Converter

This script is designed for the Flipper Zero device, allowing you to convert GIF images into a series of 2-color frames compatible with its display.


  1. Install the required dependencies: pip install pillow

  2. Run the script using the command-line interface:

python flipperAnimator.py <output_folder> <input_file>

  1. Once the script finishes, the <output_folder> is ready to be compiled into a Flipper Zero firmware. You can use the Flipper Zero development tools to integrate these frames into your projects.

Important Notes

Feel free to customize and enhance this script to fit your specific requirements. Enjoy creating animations for your Flipper Zero device!

Usage Example

I would use this image to make a animation, the software scales the image so i prefer to use a 2x1 scale for the images, so width is 2 times the height like in the Flipper Zero.


Create a folder with the gif and the flipper zero animator script


Open a command line in the folder and run the command


Then the image and the meta file will be created in the folder


Now it is ready to be compiled with the desired firmware, for this case i would use the roguemaster one: https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins


First you need to clone the firmware from the repository using: git clone --recursive https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins.git

Then go to the external folder and paste the animation folder


Finally update the manifest inside the external folder and add the reference to the animation


Inside the roguemaster firmware folder run this command to build it


It will generate an output like this at the end


Go to the folder where the compiled firmware is and copy it inside the update folder in the flipper



Then take to the flipper zero and go to the update directory in the file explorer


Run the update


And after the update the animation will be ready to be played in the flipper

ezgif com-video-to-gif