

SQL Parser CST npm version build status

SQL Parser which produces a Concrete Syntax Tree (CST).

Unlike a more usual parser which produces an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), this parser preserves all the syntax elements present in the parsed source code, with the goal of being able to re-create the exact original source code.

Try it live in SQL Explorer.


Supports the following SQL dialects:

Note: This software is in very active development. The syntax tree structure is mostly stable now, though there are bound to be changes as new SQL dialects are added and they contain features that need to be accommodated to the syntax tree.


npm install sql-parser-cst


import { parse, show, cstVisitor } from "sql-parser-cst";

const cst = parse("select * from my_table", {
  dialect: "sqlite",
  // These are optional:
  includeSpaces: true, // Adds spaces/tabs
  includeNewlines: true, // Adds newlines
  includeComments: true, // Adds comments
  includeRange: true, // Adds source code location data

// convert all keywords to uppercase
const toUpper = cstVisitor({
  keyword: (kw) => {
    kw.text = kw.text.toUpperCase();

// Serialize back to SQL
show(cst); // --> SELECT * FROM my_table

AST versus CST-parsers

For example, given the following SQL:

/* My query */
SELECT ("first_name" || ' jr.') as fname
-- use important table
FROM persons;

An AST-parser might parse this to the following abstract syntax tree:

  "type": "select_stmt",
  "columns": [
      "type": "alias",
      "expr": {
        "type": "binary_expr",
        "left": { "type": "column_ref", "column": "first_name" },
        "operator": "||",
        "right": { "type": "string", "value": " jr." }
      "alias": "fname"
  "from": [{ "type": "table_ref", "table": "persons" }]

Note that the above AST is missing the following information:

In contrast, this CST parser produces the following concrete syntax tree, which preserves all of this information:

<!-- prettier-ignore -->
  "type": "program",
  "statements": [
      "type": "select_stmt",
      "clauses": [
          "type": "select_clause",
          "selectKw": { "type": "keyword", "text": "SELECT", "name": "SELECT" },
          "options": [],
          "columns": {
            "type": "list_expr",
            "items": [
                "type": "alias",
                "expr": {
                  "type": "paren_expr",
                  "expr": {
                    "type": "binary_expr",
                    "left": { "type": "identifier", "text": "\"first_name\"", "name": "first_name" },
                    "operator": "||",
                    "right": { "type": "string_literal", "text": "' jr.'", "value": " jr." }
                "asKw": { "type": "keyword", "text": "as", "name": "AS" },
                "alias": { "type": "identifier", "text": "fname", "name": "fname" }
          "type": "from_clause",
          "fromKw": { "type": "keyword", "text": "FROM", "name": "FROM" },
          "expr": { "type": "identifier", "text": "persons", "name": "persons" },
          "leading": [
            { "type": "newline", "text": "\n" },
            { "type": "line_comment", "text": "-- use important table" },
            { "type": "newline", "text": "\n" }
    { "type": "empty" }
  "leading": [
    { "type": "block_comment", "text": "/* My query */" },
    { "type": "newline", "text": "\n" }

Note the following conventions:


parse(sql: string, options: ParserOptions): Program

Parses SQL string and returns the CST tree. Takes the following options:

When parsing fails with syntax error, it throws FormattedSyntaxError which contains a message like:

Syntax Error: Unexpected "WHERE"
Was expecting to see: "!", "$", "(", "-", ":", "?", "@", "CASE", ...
--> my_db.sql:2:33
  |                                 ^

show(cst: Node): string

Converts CST back to string.

Important caveat: the CST has to contain whitespace data, meaning, it was generated with includeComments, includeNewlines and includeSpaces options enabled.

For any valid SQL the following assertion will always hold:

const opts = {
  dialect: "sqlite",
  includeComments: true,
  includeNewlines: true,
  includeSpaces: true,

show(parse(sql, opts)) === sql; // always true

cstVisitor(map: VisitorMap): (node: Node) => SKIP | void

Generates a function that walks through the whole CST tree and calls a function in map whenever it encounters a node with that type.

For example the following code checks that all table and column aliases use the explicit AS keyword:

const checkAliases = cstVisitor({
  alias: (node) => {
    if (!node.asKw) {
      throw new Error("All alias definitions must use AS keyword!");

You can return VisitorAction.SKIP to avoid visiting all child nodes of a specific node:

let topLevelSelects = 0;
const countTopLevelSelects = cstVisitor({
  select_stmt: (node) => {
    return VisitorAction.SKIP;

cstTransformer<T>(map: TransformMap<T>): (node: Node) => T

Transforms the whole CST into some other type T. The map object should contain an entry for each of the CST node types it expects to encounter (this generally means all of them).

For example, the following implements a toString() function that serializes very basic SQL queries like SELECT 1, 2, 3 + 4:

const toString = cstTransformer({
  program: (node) => node.statements.map(toString).join(";"),
  select_statement: (node) => node.clauses.map(toString).join(" "),
  select_clause: (node) => "SELECT " + node.columns.map(toString).join(", "),
  binary_expr: (node) =>
    toString(node.left) + " " + node.operator + " " + toString(node.right),
  number_literal: (node) => node.text,

The builtin show() function is implemented as such a transform.

xKeywords: Record<string, boolean>

Additionally the parser exports lists of reserved keywords for each supported SQL dialect: sqliteKeywords, bigqueryKeywords, mysqlKeywords, mariadbKeywords, postgresqlKeywords. These are simple JavaScript objects, useful for doing lookups:

export const sqliteKeywords = {
  ABORT: true,
  ACTION: true,
  ADD: true,


yarn generate will generate parser.

The testsuite contains two kinds of tests:

When running the testsuite one always needs to pick a dialect. For example yarn test:sqlite or yarn test:mysql. Running one of these commands will run the testsuite against the parser of that dialect. It will execute all the generic tests plus tests applicable for that dialect.

yarn test will execute the testsuite for each supported dialect, covering all the possible combinations.

During development

Start the parser-generator watch process in one terminal:

yarn watch:generate

and the tests watch process in another terminal:

yarn test:sqlite --watch

Note that yarn test --watch doesn't work. A separate watch process needs to be started manually for each dialect.


Generate new release with yarn publish.

To generate a changelog use the yarn changelog command:

VERSION=v0.27.0 yarn changelog`


This started as a fork of node-sql-parser, which is based on @flora/sql-parser, which in turn was extracted from Alibaba's nquery module.

There's very little left of the original code though.