


Some useful Pokemon Go CLI tools. This is going to be strictly a set of single run tools only, i.e., it won't keep the user logged in.



You need to have Python and pip installed on your computer. Please refer to other online documentations on how to install them on your computer. It is recommended that you use virtualenv with this, so that it won't cluster up your computer with Python packages.

  1. Download this project either with git or simply download the zip file then unzip it:

    git clone https://github.com/nelsyeung/PoGoTools.git
  2. Open up terminal and change to the downloaded folder:

    cd PoGoTools
  3. Install the necessary Python packages by typing into the terminal:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Configure your account. Copy the config.json.example file to config.json then add your login details to the accounts section. If you are worried about getting banned from the temporary teleportation, you may want to find out your current location and change the config file accordingly. You can use either latitude, longitude format or just supply a name.

  5. Use the tool! Type in the terminal: python pogotools.py -h for all the available options.


Get a list of all your Pokemon sorted by their real name:

python pogotools.py -p
# or
python pogotools.py --get-pokemon

Get a list of all your Pokemon sorted by their cp or IV:

# For sort by CP:
python pogotools.py -p -s cp
# For sort by IV:
python pogotools.py -p -s iv

Applying a filter to your list of Pokemon:

# Hide Pidgey, Weedle and Rattata from the list
python pogotools.py -p --hide-pokemon pidgey,weedle,rattata
# Show only Pidgey, Weedle and Rattata from the list
python pogotools.py -p --show-pokemon pidgey,weedle,rattata
# Show only Pokemon below or equal to CP 1000
python pogotools.py -p --hide-cp-below 1000
# Show only Pokemon above or equal to CP 1000
python pogotools.py -p --hide-cp-below 1000
# Show only Pokemon below or equal to IV 70
python pogotools.py -p --show-iv-below 70
# Show only Pokemon above or equal to IV 70
python pogotools.py -p --hide-iv-below 70

These filters can be chained:

# Show only Pokemon above CP 1000 and above IV 70
python pogotools.py -p --hide-cp-below 1000 --hide-iv-below 70

Transfer Pokemon:

Make sure you have set the config file correctly for transfer to work. This can be dangerous so make sure your criteria is actually what you want or your favourite Pikachu may run away from you!

python pogotools.py --transfer

Get a list of all your items:

python pogotools.py -i
# or
python pogotools.py --get-items

Recycle or trash items:

Make sure you have set the config file correctly for the recycle to work. This can be dangerous so make sure your criteria is actually what you want or your Masterball might be put in the trash!

python pogotools.py --recycle

Evolve Pokemon:

python pogotools.py --evolve

Currently this feature might not work with "allow": "all", so it's best for you to have multiple Pokemon set (i.e., "allow": "pidgey, weedle, zubat, rattata") rather than using the all function.



Feel free to add any extra tools or bug fixes to this! But please make sure it won't keep the user logged in for a long time.
