


A small helper-library which prevents a process from accessing a connected DualShock 4 controller

What's this?

A Proof-of-Concept, nothing more, nothing less. It's a small DLL which hides the Sony DualShock 4 Controller from any Windows process it gets injected into. It accomplishes this by hooking the CreateFile Windows API using MinHook.

How to use

  1. Either clone this repository and compile the library yourself or download the latest release.
  2. Get my DLL injector utility or use you own.
  3. Put Injector and DLL in the same directory (caution: only use 64-Bit injector with 64-Bit DLL on 64-Bit target process, likewise with 32-Bit builds).
  4. Launch your target process (the game).
  5. Enter command line Injector.exe --inject --module-name HideDS4.dll --process-name witcher3.exe to load the DLL into the game.
  6. If the DualShock 4 is connected, re-connect it for the fix to kick in.
  7. Enjoy!