

The Hamburglar

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7833164/51336290-29a79600-1a52-11e9-96a1-beac9207fdab.gif"></img> </p>


There are 2 versions of hamburglar, full and lite. The main branch is the full version, and hamburglar lite is on a separate branch.


Full fledged scraping tool for artifact retrieval from multiple sources. There are some dependencies, so install them first:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Hamburglar also has the option of checking against file signatures during a hexdump. It will get skipped if not set up. To get it working, you will need to first create the database and a user:

CREATE USER 'hamman'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'deadbeef';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON fileSign.signatures TO 'hamman'@'localhost';

Then, run magic_sig_scraper. This can be run on a cronjob to regularly update it, or just run it once:

python3 magic_sig_scraper.py

Hamburglar Lite

Multithreaded and recursive directory scraping script. Stores useful information with the filepath and finding. Hamburglar lite will never require external packages, and will always remain as a single script. Setup is as simple as requesting the file and using it:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/needmorecowbell/Hamburglar/hamburglar-lite/hamburglar-lite.py

This is designed to be quickly downloaded and executed on a machine.


usage: hamburglar.py [-h] [-g] [-x] [-v] [-w] [-i] [-o FILE] [-y YARA] path

positional arguments:
  path                  path to directory, url, or file, depending on flag

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --git             sets hamburglar into git mode
  -x, --hexdump         give hexdump of file
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -w, --web             sets Hamburgler to web request mode, enter url as path
  -i, --ioc             uses iocextract to parse contents
  -o FILE, --out FILE   write results to FILE
  -y YARA, --yara YARA  use yara ruleset for checking

Directory Traversal

Single File Analysis

YARA Rule Based Analysis

Git Scraping Mode

Web Request Mode

IOC Extraction

Hex Dump Mode



The Hamburglar can find

Example output:

    "/home/adam/Dev/test/email.txt": {
        "emails": "{'testingtesting@gmail.com'}"
    "/home/adam/Dev/test/email2.txt": {
        "emails": "{'loall@gmail.com'}"
    "/home/adam/Dev/test/ips.txt": {
        "ipv4": "{'', ''}"
    "/home/adam/Dev/test/test2/email.txt": {
        "emails": "{'ntested4@gmail.com', 'ntested@gmail.com'}"
    "/home/adam/Dev/test/test2/ips.txt": {
        "ipv4": "{'', ''}"
    "/home/adam/Dev/test/test2/links.txt": {
        "site": "{'http://login.web.com'}"
