

<div align="center"> <h1>NEAR Workspaces (Rust Edition)</h1> <p> <strong>Rust library for automating workflows and writing tests for NEAR smart contracts. This software is not final, and will likely change.</strong> </p> <p> <a href="https://crates.io/crates/near-workspaces"><img src="https://img.shields.io/crates/v/near-workspaces.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Crates.io version" /></a> <a href="https://crates.io/crates/near-workspaces"><img src="https://img.shields.io/crates/d/near-workspaces.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Download" /></a> <a href="https://docs.rs/near-workspaces"><img src="https://docs.rs/near-workspaces/badge.svg" alt="Reference Documentation" /></a> </p> </div>

Release notes

Release notes and unreleased changes can be found in the CHANGELOG


WASM compilation not supported

near-workspaces-rs, the library itself, does not currently compile to WASM. Best to put this dependency in [dev-dependencies] section of Cargo.toml if we were trying to run this library alongside something that already does compile to WASM, such as near-sdk-rs.

Simple Testing Case

A simple test to get us going and familiar with near-workspaces framework. Here, we will be going through the NFT contract and how we can test it with near-workspaces-rs.

Setup -- Imports

First, we need to declare some imports for convenience.

// macro allowing us to convert args into JSON bytes to be read by the contract.
use serde_json::json;

We will need to have our pre-compiled WASM contract ahead of time and know its path. Refer to the respective near-sdk-{rs, js} repos/language for where these paths are located.

In this showcase, we will be pointing to the example's NFT contract:

const NFT_WASM_FILEPATH: &str = "./examples/res/non_fungible_token.wasm";

NOTE: there is an unstable feature that will allow us to compile our projects during testing time as well. Take a look at the feature section Compiling Contracts During Test Time

Setup -- Setting up Sandbox and Deploying NFT Contract

This includes launching our sandbox, loading our wasm file and deploying that wasm file to the sandbox environment.

async fn test_nft_contract() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let worker = near_workspaces::sandbox().await?;
    let wasm = std::fs::read(NFT_WASM_FILEPATH)?;
    let contract = worker.dev_deploy(&wasm).await?;


Initialize Contract & Test Output

Then we'll go directly into making a call into the contract, and initialize the NFT contract's metadata:

    let outcome = contract
            "owner_id": contract.id(),
        .transact()  // note: we use the contract's keys here to sign the transaction

    // outcome contains data like logs, receipts and transaction outcomes.
    println!("new_default_meta outcome: {:#?}", outcome);

Afterwards, let's mint an NFT via nft_mint. This showcases some extra arguments we can supply, such as deposit and gas:

    use near_gas::NearGas;
    use near_workspaces::types::NearToken;

    let deposit = NearToken::from_near(100);
    let outcome = contract
            "token_id": "0",
            "token_owner_id": contract.id(),
            "token_metadata": {
                "title": "Olympus Mons",
                "description": "Tallest mountain in charted solar system",
                "copies": 1,
        // nft_mint might consume more than default gas, so supply our own gas value:

    println!("nft_mint outcome: {:#?}", outcome);

Then later on, we can view our minted NFT's metadata via our view call into nft_metadata:

    let result: serde_json::Value = contract

    println!("--------------\n{}", result);
    println!("Dev Account ID: {}", contract.id());

Updating Contract Afterwards

Note that if our contract code changes, near-workspaces-rs does nothing about it since we are utilizing deploy/dev_deploy to merely send the contract bytes to the network. So if it does change, we will have to recompile the contract as usual, and point deploy/dev_deploy again to the right WASM files. However, there is a feature that will recompile contract changes for us: refer to the experimental/unstable compile_project function for telling near-workspaces to compile a Rust project for us.


More standalone examples can be found in examples/src/*.rs.

To run the above NFT example, execute:

cargo run --example nft


Choosing a network

#[tokio::main]  // or whatever runtime we want
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // Create a sandboxed environment.
    // NOTE: Each call will create a new sandboxed environment
    let worker = near_workspaces::sandbox().await?;
    // or for testnet:
    let worker = near_workspaces::testnet().await?;

Helper Functions

Need to make a helper functions utilizing contracts? Just import it and pass it around:

use near_workspaces::Contract;

// Helper function that calls into a contract we give it
async fn call_my_func(contract: &Contract) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // Call into the function `contract_function` with args:
            "message": msg,

Or to pass around workers regardless of networks:

use near_workspaces::{DevNetwork, Worker};

const CONTRACT_BYTES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("./relative/path/to/file.wasm");

// Create a helper function that deploys a specific contract
// NOTE: `dev_deploy` is only available on `DevNetwork`s such as sandbox and testnet.
async fn deploy_my_contract(worker: Worker<impl DevNetwork>) -> anyhow::Result<Contract> {

View Account Details

We can check the balance of our accounts like so:

async fn test_contract_transfer() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let transfer_amount = NearToken::from_millinear(100);
    let worker = near_workspaces::sandbox().await?;

    let contract = worker

    let alice = worker.dev_create_account().await?;
    let bob = worker.dev_create_account().await?;
    let bob_original_balance = bob.view_account().await?.balance;

    alice.call(contract.id(), "function_that_transfers")
        .args_json(json!({ "destination_account": bob.id() }))
        bob_original_balance + transfer_amount


For viewing other chain related details, look at the docs for Worker, Account and Contract

Spooning - Pulling Existing State and Contracts from Mainnet/Testnet

This example will showcase spooning state from a testnet contract into our local sandbox environment.

We will first start with the usual imports:

use near_workspaces::network::Sandbox;
use near_workspaces::{Account, AccountId, BlockHeight, Contract, Worker};

Then specify the contract name from testnet we want to be pulling:

const CONTRACT_ACCOUNT: &str = "contract_account_name_on_testnet.testnet";

Let's also specify a specific block ID referencing back to a specific time. Just in case our contract or the one we're referencing has been changed or updated:

const BLOCK_HEIGHT: BlockHeight = 12345;

Create a function called pull_contract which will pull the contract's .wasm file from the chain and deploy it onto our local sandbox. We'll have to re-initialize it with all the data to run tests.

async fn pull_contract(owner: &Account, worker: &Worker<Sandbox>) -> anyhow::Result<Contract> {
    let testnet = near_workspaces::testnet_archival().await?;
    let contract_id: AccountId = CONTRACT_ACCOUNT.parse()?;

This next line will actually pull down the relevant contract from testnet and set an initial balance on it with 1000 NEAR.

Following that we will have to init the contract again with our own metadata. This is because the contract's data is to big for the RPC service to pull down, who's limits are set to 50kb.

    use near_workspaces::types::NearToken;
    let contract = worker
        .import_contract(&contract_id, &testnet)

        .call(contract.id(), "init_method_name")
            "arg1": value1,
            "arg2": value2,


Time Traveling

workspaces testing offers support for forwarding the state of the blockchain to the future. This means contracts which require time sensitive data do not need to sit and wait the same amount of time for blocks on the sandbox to be produced. We can simply just call worker.fast_forward to get us further in time. Note: This is not to be confused with speeding up the current in-flight transactions; the state being forwarded in this case refers to time-related state (the block height, timestamp and epoch).

async fn test_contract() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let worker = near_workspaces::sandbox().await?;
    let contract = worker.dev_deploy(WASM_BYTES).await?;

    let blocks_to_advance = 10000;

    // Now, "do_something_with_time" will be in the future and can act on future time-related state.

For a full example, take a look at examples/src/fast_forward.rs.

Compiling Contracts During Test Time

Note, this is an unstable feature and will very likely change. To enable it, add the unstable feature flag to workspaces dependency in Cargo.toml:

near-workspaces = { version = "...", features = ["unstable"] }

Then, in our tests right before we call into deploy or dev_deploy, we can compile our projects:

async fn test_contract() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let wasm = near_workspaces::compile_project("path/to/contract-rs-project").await?;

    let worker = workspaces::sandbox().await?;
    let contract = worker.dev_deploy(&wasm).await?;

For a full example, take a look at workspaces/tests/deploy_project.rs.

Coverage analysis of WASM executables

Generated code coverage reports help identify areas of code that are executed during testing, making it a valuable tool for ensuring the reliability and quality of your contracts. Here is the step by step guide documentation to achieve this.

The project can be found here: https://github.com/hknio/wasmcov

Other Features

Other features can be directly found in the examples/ folder, with some documentation outlining how they can be used.

Environment Variables

These environment variables will be useful if there was ever a snag hit: