

NEAR CLI (command line interface)

NEAR CLI is a Node.js application that relies on near-api-js to connect to and interact with the NEAR blockchain. Create accounts, access keys, sign & send transactions with this versatile command line interface tool.

Note: Node.js version 16+ is required to run NEAR CLI.

🚨 v4.0.0 Notes

This release is a major reorganization of the codebase to simplify its maintenance. It also includes a few new features and a multitude of small fixes.

The most notable changes are:

Release notes

Release notes and unreleased changes can be found in the CHANGELOG


Click on a command for more information and examples.

near add-credentialsStores credentials for an account locally
near add-keyadds a new access key to an account
near delete-keydeletes an access key from an account
near generate-keygenerates a key pair and optionally stores it locally as credentials for an accountId
near list-keysdisplays all access keys and their details for a given account
near loginstores a full access key locally using NEAR Wallet
near create-accountcreates a new account, either using a faucet to fund it, or an account saved locally
near delete-accountdeletes an account and transfers remaining balance to a beneficiary account
near list-keysdisplays all access keys for a given account
near send-nearsends tokens from one account to another
near stateshows general details of an account
near callmakes a contract call which can invoke change or view methods
near deploydeploys a smart contract to the NEAR blockchain
near storageShows the storage state of a given contract, i.e. the data stored in a contract
near viewmakes a contract call which can only invoke a view method
near tx-statusqueries a transaction's status by txHash



Make sure you have a current version of npm and NodeJS installed.

Mac and Linux

  1. Install npm and node using a package manager like nvm as sometimes there are issues using Ledger due to how OS X handles node packages related to USB devices. [click here]
  2. Ensure you have installed Node version 12 or above.
  3. Install near-cli globally by running:
npm install -g near-cli

For example, on Ubuntu 20.04 near-cli can be installed by running:

# Install nvm (https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm?tab=readme-ov-file#installing-and-updating)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc

# Install node
nvm install node

# Install near-cli
npm install -g near-cli

# near-cli works!
near --help


For Windows users, we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

  1. Install WSL [click here]
  2. Install npm [click here]
  3. Install Node.js [ click here ]
  4. Change npm default directory [ click here ]
    • This is to avoid any permission issues with WSL
  5. Open WSL and install near-cli globally by running:
npm install -g near-cli

Network selection

The default network for near-cli is testnet.

NEAR_NETWORK=testnet near send ...
export NEAR_NETWORK=mainnet
near send-near ... --networkId mainnet

[!WARNING] In previous versions, near-cli used NEAR_ENV to set the network. This can still be used, but NEAR_NETWORK has priority over NEAR_ENV if both are set.

Custom RPC server selection

You can set custom RPC server URL by setting this env variables:


Clear them in case you want to get back to the default RPC server.


export NEAR_TESTNET_RPC=https://rpc.testnet.near.org

Access Keys

All keys are stored locally at the root of your HOME directory:

Inside .near-credentials, access keys are organized in network subdirectories: testnet, and mainnet.

These network subdirectories contain .JSON objects with an:

near add-credentials <accountId>

Stores credentials (full-access-key) locally for an already existing account.


near add-credentials example-acct.testnet --seedPhrase "antique attitude say evolve ring arrive hollow auto wide bronze usual unfold"

near add-key

Adds either a full access or function access key to a given account.

Optionally allows to sign with a Ledger: --signWithLedger --ledgerPath

Note: You will use an existing full access key for the account you would like to add a new key to. (near login)

1) add a full access key


near add-key example-acct.testnet Cxg2wgFYrdLTEkMu6j5D6aEZqTb3kXbmJygS48ZKbo1S
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Adding full access key = Cxg2wgFYrdLTEkMu6j5D6aEZqTb3kXbmJygS48ZKbo1S to example-acct.testnet.
Transaction Id EwU1ooEvkR42HvGoJHu5ou3xLYT3JcgQwFV3fAwevGJg
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
</p> </details>

2) add a function call key

accountId is the account you are adding the key to

--contract-id is the contract you are allowing methods to be called on

--method-names are optional and if omitted, all methods of the --contract-id can be called.

--allowance is the amount of Ⓝ the key is allowed to spend on gas fees only (default: 0).

Note: Each transaction made with this key will have gas fees deducted from the initial allowance and once it runs out a new key must be issued.


near add-key example-acct.testnet GkMNfc92fwM1AmwH1MTjF4b7UZuceamsq96XPkHsQ9vi --contract-id example-contract.testnet --method-names example_method --allowance 30000000000
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Adding function call access key = GkMNfc92fwM1AmwH1MTjF4b7UZuceamsq96XPkHsQ9vi to example-acct.testnet.
Transaction Id H2BQL9fXVmdTbwkXcMFfZ7qhZqC8fFhsA8KDHFdT9q2r
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
</p> </details>

near delete-key

Deletes an existing key for a given account. Optionally allows to sign with a Ledger: --signWithLedger --ledgerPath

Note: You will need separate full access key for the account you would like to delete a key from. (near login)


near delete-key example-acct.testnet Cxg2wgFYrdLTEkMu6j5D6aEZqTb3kXbmJygS48ZKbo1S
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Transaction Id 4PwW7vjzTCno7W433nu4ieA6FvsAjp7zNFwicNLKjQFT
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
</p> </details>

near generate-key

Displays a key-pair and seed-phrase and optionally stores it locally in .near-credentials.

Note: There are several ways to use generate-key that return very different results. Please reference the examples below for further details.

1a) near generate-key

Creates and displays a key pair

near generate-key
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Seed phrase: antique attitude say evolve ring arrive hollow auto wide bronze usual unfold
Key pair: {"publicKey":"ed25519:BW5Q957u1rTATGpanKUktjVmixEmT56Df4Dt9hoGWEXz","secretKey":"ed25519:5StmPDg9xVNzpyudwxT8Y72iyRq7Fa86hcpsRk6Cq5eWGWqwsPbPT9woXbJs9Qe69crZJHh4DMkrGEPGDDfmXmy2"}
Implicit account: 9c07afc7673ea0f9a20c8a279e8bbe1dd1e283254263bb3b07403e4b6fd7a411
</p> </details>

1b) near generate-key --saveImplicit

Creates and displays a key pair, saving it locally in .near-credentials as an implicit account.

near generate-key --saveImplicit
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Seed phrase: antique attitude say evolve ring arrive hollow auto wide bronze usual unfold
Key pair: {"publicKey":"ed25519:BW5Q957u1rTATGpanKUktjVmixEmT56Df4Dt9hoGWEXz","secretKey":"ed25519:5StmPDg9xVNzpyudwxT8Y72iyRq7Fa86hcpsRk6Cq5eWGWqwsPbPT9woXbJs9Qe69crZJHh4DMkrGEPGDDfmXmy2"}
Implicit account: 9c07afc7673ea0f9a20c8a279e8bbe1dd1e283254263bb3b07403e4b6fd7a411

Storing credentials for account: 9d6e4506ac06ab66a25f6720e400ae26bad40ecbe07d49935e83c7bdba5034fa (network: testnet)
Saving key to '~/.near-credentials/testnet/9d6e4506ac06ab66a25f6720e400ae26bad40ecbe07d49935e83c7bdba5034fa.json'
</p> </details>

2) near generate-key accountId

Creates a key pair locally in .near-credentials with an accountId that you specify.

Note: This does NOT create an account with this name.

near generate-key example.testnet
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Seed phrase: antique attitude say evolve ring arrive hollow auto wide bronze usual unfold
Key pair: {"publicKey":"ed25519:BW5Q957u1rTATGpanKUktjVmixEmT56Df4Dt9hoGWEXz","secretKey":"ed25519:5StmPDg9xVNzpyudwxT8Y72iyRq7Fa86hcpsRk6Cq5eWGWqwsPbPT9woXbJs9Qe69crZJHh4DMkrGEPGDDfmXmy2"}
Implicit account: 9c07afc7673ea0f9a20c8a279e8bbe1dd1e283254263bb3b07403e4b6fd7a411

Storing credentials for account: example.testnet (network: testnet)
Saving key to '~/.near-credentials/testnet/example.testnet.json'
</p> </details>

3a) near generate-key --fromSeedPhrase="your seed phrase"

Uses a seed phrase to display a public key and implicit account

near generate-key --seedPhrase="antique attitude say evolve ring arrive hollow auto wide bronze usual unfold"
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary>
Seed phrase: antique attitude say evolve ring arrive hollow auto wide bronze usual unfold
Key pair: {"publicKey":"ed25519:BW5Q957u1rTATGpanKUktjVmixEmT56Df4Dt9hoGWEXz","secretKey":"ed25519:5StmPDg9xVNzpyudwxT8Y72iyRq7Fa86hcpsRk6Cq5eWGWqwsPbPT9woXbJs9Qe69crZJHh4DMkrGEPGDDfmXmy2"}
Implicit account: 9c07afc7673ea0f9a20c8a279e8bbe1dd1e283254263bb3b07403e4b6fd7a411

3b) near generate-key accountId --seedPhrase="your seed phrase"

Will store the key pair corresponding to the seedPhrase in .near-credentials with an accountId that you specify.

<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Seed phrase: antique attitude say evolve ring arrive hollow auto wide bronze usual unfold
Key pair: {"publicKey":"ed25519:BW5Q957u1rTATGpanKUktjVmixEmT56Df4Dt9hoGWEXz","secretKey":"ed25519:5StmPDg9xVNzpyudwxT8Y72iyRq7Fa86hcpsRk6Cq5eWGWqwsPbPT9woXbJs9Qe69crZJHh4DMkrGEPGDDfmXmy2"}
Implicit account: 9c07afc7673ea0f9a20c8a279e8bbe1dd1e283254263bb3b07403e4b6fd7a411
</p> </details>

4a) near generate-key --queryLedgerPK

Uses a connected Ledger device to display a public key and implicit account using the default HD path ("44'/397'/0'/0'/1'")

near generate-key --queryLedgerPK

You should then see the following prompt to confirm this request on your Ledger device:

Make sure to connect your Ledger and open NEAR app Getting Public Key from Ledger...

After confirming the request on your Ledger device, a public key and implicit accountId will be displayed.

<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Using public key: ed25519:B22RP10g695wyeRvKIWv61NjmQZEkWTMzAYgdfx6oSeB2
Implicit account: 42c320xc20739fd9a6bqf2f89z61rd14efe5d3de234199bc771235a4bb8b0e1
</p> </details>

3b) near generate-key --queryLedgerPK --ledgerPath="HD path you specify"

Uses a connected Ledger device to display a public key and implicit account using a custom HD path.

near generate-key --queryLedgerPK --ledgerPath="44'/397'/0'/0'/2'"

You should then see the following prompt to confirm this request on your Ledger device:

Make sure to connect your Ledger and open NEAR app
Waiting for confirmation on Ledger...

After confirming the request on your Ledger device, a public key and implicit accountId will be displayed.

<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Using public key: ed25519:B22RP10g695wye3dfa32rDjmQZEkWTMzAYgCX6oSeB2
Implicit account: 42c320xc20739ASD9a6bqf2Dsaf289z61rd14efe5d3de23213789009afDsd5bb8b0e1
</p> </details>

near list-keys

Displays all access keys for a given account.


near list-keys client.chainlink.testnet
<details> <summary> <strong>Example Response</strong> </summary> <p>
Keys for account client.chainlink.testnet
    public_key: 'ed25519:4wrVrZbHrurMYgkcyusfvSJGLburmaw7m3gmCApxgvY4',
    access_key: { nonce: 97, permission: 'FullAccess' }
    public_key: 'ed25519:H9k5eiU4xXS3M4z8HzKJSLaZdqGdGwBG49o7orNC4eZW',
    access_key: {
      nonce: 88,
      permission: {
        FunctionCall: {
          allowance: '18483247987345065500000000',
          receiver_id: 'client.chainlink.testnet',
          method_names: [ 'get_token_price', [length]: 1 ]
  [length]: 2
</p> </details>

near login

locally stores a full access key of an account you created with MyNEARWallet.


near login

Custom wallet url:

Default wallet url is https://testnet.mynearwallet.com/. But if you want to change to a different wallet url, you can setup the environmental variable NEAR_MAINNET_WALLET or NEAR_TESTNET_WALLET.

export NEAR_TESTNET_WALLET=https://wallet.testnet.near.org/
near login


near create-account

Creates an account using an existing account or a faucet service to pay for the account's creation and initial balance.


# Creating account using `example-acct.testnet` to fund it
near create-account new-acc.testnet --useAccount example-acct.testnet
# Creating account using the faucet to fund it
near create-account new-acc.testnet --useFaucet
# Creating a pre-funded account that can be controlled by the Ledger's public key
near create-account new-acc.testnet --useFaucet --useLedgerPK 
# Creating an account using a Ledger account
near create-account new-acc.testnet --useAccount ledger-acct.testnet --signWithLedger

Subaccount example:

# Using an account to create a sub-account
near create-account sub-acct.example-acct.testnet --useAccount example-acct.testnet
# Creating a sub-account using the Ledger that can also be controlled by the ledger
near create-account sub.acc.testnet --useAccount sub.acc.testnet --signWithLedger --useLedgerPK

Example using --initialBalance:

near create-account sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet --useAccount example-acct.testnet --initialBalance 10
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Saving key to '/HOME_DIR/.near-credentials/default/sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet.json'
Account sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet for network "default" was created.
</p> </details>

near delete-account

Deletes an account and transfers remaining balance to a beneficiary account.


near delete-account sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet example-acct.testnet
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Deleting account. Account id: sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet, node: https://rpc.testnet.near.org, helper: https://helper.testnet.near.org, beneficiary: example-acct.testnet
Transaction Id 4x8xohER1E3yxeYdXPfG8GvXin1ShiaroqE5GdCd5YxX
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Account sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet for network "default" was deleted.
</p> </details>

near send-near

Sends NEAR tokens (Ⓝ) from one account to another.

Note: You will need a full access key for the sending account. (near login)


near send-near sender.testnet receiver.testnet 10
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Sending 10 NEAR to receiver.testnet from sender.testnet
Transaction Id BYTr6WNyaEy2ykAiQB9P5VvTyrJcFk6Yw95HPhXC6KfN
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
</p> </details>

near state

Shows details of an account's state.


near state example.testnet
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
    "amount": "99999999303364037168535000",
    "locked": "0",
    "code_hash": "G1PCjeQbvbUsJ8piXNb7Yg6dn3mfivDQN7QkvsVuMt4e",
    "storage_usage": 53528,
    "storage_paid_at": 0,
    "block_height": 21577354,
    "block_hash": "AWu1mrT3eMJLjqyhNHvMKrrbahN6DqcNxXanB5UH1RjB",
    "formattedAmount": "99.999999303364037168535"
</p> </details>


near call

makes a contract call which can modify or view state.

Note: Contract calls require a transaction fee (gas) so you will need an access key for the --accountId that will be charged. (near login)


near call guest-book.testnet addMessage '{"text": "Aloha"}' --account-id example-acct.testnet
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Scheduling a call: guest-book.testnet.addMessage({"text": "Aloha"})
Transaction Id FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
</p> </details>

near deploy

Deploys a smart contract to a given accountId.

Note: You will need a full access key for the account you are deploying the contract to. (near login)


near deploy example-contract.testnet out/example.wasm

Initialize Example:

near deploy example-contract.testnet out/example.wasm --initFunction new --initArgs '{"owner_id": "example-contract.testnet", "total_supply": "10000000"}'
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Starting deployment. Account id: example-contract.testnet, node: https://rpc.testnet.near.org, helper: https://helper.testnet.near.org, file: main.wasm
Transaction Id G8GhhPuujMHTRnwursPXE1Lv5iUZ8WUecwiST1PcKWMt
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Done deploying to example-contract.testnet
</p> </details>

near storage

Shows the storage state of a given contract, i.e. the data stored in a contract.


near storage hello.near-examples.testnet --finality optimistic --utf8
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary>
[ { key: 'STATE', value: '\x10\x00\x00\x00Passei por aqui!' } ]

near view

Makes a contract call which can only view state. (Call is free of charge)


near view guest-book.testnet getMessages '{}'
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
View call: guest-book.testnet.getMessages({})
  { premium: false, sender: 'waverlymaven.testnet', text: 'TGIF' },
    premium: true,
    sender: 'waverlymaven.testnet',
    text: 'Hello from New York 🌈'
  { premium: false, sender: 'fhr.testnet', text: 'Hi' },
  { premium: true, sender: 'eugenethedream', text: 'test' },
  { premium: false, sender: 'dongri.testnet', text: 'test' },
  { premium: false, sender: 'dongri.testnet', text: 'hello' },
  { premium: true, sender: 'dongri.testnet', text: 'hey' },
  { premium: false, sender: 'hirokihori.testnet', text: 'hello' },
  { premium: true, sender: 'eugenethedream', text: 'hello' },
  { premium: false, sender: 'example-acct.testnet', text: 'Aloha' },
  [length]: 10
</p> </details>


near tx-status

Queries transaction status by hash and accountId.


near tx-status FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK --accountId guest-book.testnet
<details> <summary><strong>Example Response</strong></summary> <p>
Transaction guest-book.testnet:FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK
  status: { SuccessValue: '' },
  transaction: {
    signer_id: 'example-acct.testnet',
    public_key: 'ed25519:AXZZKnp6ZcWXyRNdy8FztYrniKf1qt6YZw6mCCReXrDB',
    nonce: 20,
    receiver_id: 'guest-book.testnet',
    actions: [
        FunctionCall: {
          method_name: 'addMessage',
          args: 'eyJ0ZXh0IjoiQWxvaGEifQ==',
          gas: 300000000000000,
          deposit: '0'
      [length]: 1
    signature: 'ed25519:5S6nZXPU72nzgAsTQLmAFfdVSykdKHWhtPMb5U7duacfPdUjrj8ipJxuRiWkZ4yDodvDNt92wcHLJxGLsyNEsZNB',
    hash: 'FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK'
  transaction_outcome: {
    proof: [ [length]: 0 ],
    block_hash: '6nsjvzt6C52SSuJ8UvfaXTsdrUwcx8JtHfnUj8XjdKy1',
    id: 'FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK',
    outcome: {
      logs: [ [length]: 0 ],
      receipt_ids: [ '7n6wjMgpoBTp22ScLHxeMLzcCvN8Vf5FUuC9PMmCX6yU', [length]: 1 ],
      gas_burnt: 2427979134284,
      tokens_burnt: '242797913428400000000',
      executor_id: 'example-acct.testnet',
      status: {
        SuccessReceiptId: '7n6wjMgpoBTp22ScLHxeMLzcCvN8Vf5FUuC9PMmCX6yU'
  receipts_outcome: [
      proof: [ [length]: 0 ],
      block_hash: 'At6QMrBuFQYgEPAh6fuRBmrTAe9hXTY1NzAB5VxTH1J2',
      id: '7n6wjMgpoBTp22ScLHxeMLzcCvN8Vf5FUuC9PMmCX6yU',
      outcome: {
        logs: [ [length]: 0 ],
        receipt_ids: [ 'FUttfoM2odAhKNQrJ8F4tiBpQJPYu66NzFbxRKii294e', [length]: 1 ],
        gas_burnt: 3559403233496,
        tokens_burnt: '355940323349600000000',
        executor_id: 'guest-book.testnet',
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
      proof: [ [length]: 0 ],
      block_hash: 'J7KjpMPzAqE7iX82FAQT3qERDs6UR1EAqBLPJXBzoLCk',
      id: 'FUttfoM2odAhKNQrJ8F4tiBpQJPYu66NzFbxRKii294e',
      outcome: {
        logs: [ [length]: 0 ],
        receipt_ids: [ [length]: 0 ],
        gas_burnt: 0,
        tokens_burnt: '0',
        executor_id: 'example-acct.testnet',
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
    [length]: 2
</p> </details>

Global Options

--helpShow help [boolean]
--versionShow version number [boolean]
-v, --verbosePrints out verbose output [boolean] [default: false]

Got a question? <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/nearprotocol"> <h8>Ask it on StackOverflow!</h8></a>


This repository is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE and LICENSE-APACHE for details.