

AntifakePrompt: Prompt-Tuned Vision-Language Models are Fake Image Detectors

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This is the official implementation of AntifakePrompt [paper].


Deep generative models can create remarkably photorealistic fake images while raising concerns about misinformation and copyright infringement, known as deepfake threats. Deepfake detection technique is developed to distinguish between real and fake images, where the existing methods typically learn classifiers in the image domain or various feature domains. However, the generalizability of deepfake detection against emerging and more advanced generative models remains challenging. In this paper, being inspired by the zero-shot advantages of Vision-Language Models (VLMs), we propose a novel approach called AntifakePrompt, using VLMs (e.g., InstructBLIP) and prompt tuning techniques to improve the deepfake detection accuracy over unseen data. We formulate deepfake detection as a visual question answering problem, and tune soft prompts for InstructBLIP to answer the real/fake information of a query image. We conduct full-spectrum experiments on datasets from a diversity of 3 held-in and 20 held-out generative models, covering modern text-to-image generation, image editing and adversarial image attacks. These testing datasets provide useful benchmarks in the realm of deepfake detection for further research. Moreover, results demonstrate that (1) the deepfake detection accuracy can be significantly and consistently improved (from 71.06% to 92.11%, in average accuracy over unseen domains) using pretrained vision-language models with prompt tuning; (2) our superior performance is at less cost of training data and trainable parameters, resulting in an effective and efficient solution for deepfake detection.

<p align="center"> <img src="docs/antifakeprompt.png" width="600"> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="docs/results.png" width="800"> </p>


Environment installation

[Clone this repository]
cd AntifakePrompt
pip install -e .

Vicuna weights preparation

AntifakePrompt uses frozen Vicuna 7B models. Please first follow the instructions to prepare Vicuna v1.3 weights. Then modify the llm_model in the Model Config to the folder that contains Vicuna weights.

Checkpoints downloading

We provide the best two checkpoints in our experiments:

cd ckpt
sh download_checkpoints.sh

The downloaded checkpoints will be saved in ckpt.

Checkpoint nameTraining datasetAverage Acc. (%)
COCO_150k_SD3_SD2IP.pthCOCO + SD2IP + SD391.81
COCO_150k_SD3_SD2IP_lama.pthCOCO + SD2IP + SD3 + LaMa94.50


We provide our training, validation and testing dataset in the paper, as the following table shows.

SplitReal datasetFake dataset
TestCOCO, FlickrSD2, SD3, SDXL, IF, DALLE-2, DALLE-3, playground v2.5, DiffusionDB, SGXL, GLIDE, ControlNet, DeeperForensic, DFDC, FaceForensics++, Inpainting(LaMa), Inpainting(SD2), SuperRes(LIIF), SuperRes(SD2), Adversarial attack, Backdoor attack, Data poisoning attack


Set the checkpoint path

Go to Model Config and set the key value of model: finetune to the checkpoint of prompt-tuned model (downloaded in Checkpoints downloading).

Classify a single image

python test.py --img_path <path_to_image>

Classify batch of images

  1. Put the real images in a folder, and put the fake images in another folder.
  2. Run the command
python test.py --real_dir <real_image_directory> --fake_dir <fake_image_directory>

If the data only contains real images or fake images, you can just assign one of the arguments between --real_dir and --fake_dir.

The --log argument determine the log file path when classifying a batch of images. (default=log/log.txt)


  1. Go to Dataset Config, set real_dir and fake_dir for train/valid/test split.
  2. Go to Training Config, set the parameters properly.
  3. Run the command to start training:
sh AntifakePrompt/run_scripts/textual-inversion/train.sh



This project is built upon the the following gaint sholders. Great thanks to them!