

The Autumn Parsing Library


This repository was put up for historical records, only.

There is a newer and better version of Autumn, available at https://github.com/norswap/autumn

Autumn is a parsing library written in the Kotlin programming language.

One of its specificities is its ability to parse context-sensitive languages through the introduction of parse state, which may be mutated during the parse.

Because Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, it is in theory possible to use Autumn with Java. However, this has never been tried, so the user experience is probably sucky. We advise to stick with Kotlin for now.

Table of Contents


Currently, the best source of documentation is the paper Taming Context-Sensitive Languages with Principled Stateful Parsing.

The source includes plenty of comments. Here are a few key classes whose documentation you might want to peruse:

The package norswap.autumn.parsers contains the implementation of all built-in parsers, divided thematically.

The package norswap.autumn.syntax contains the definition of syntactic sugars for the aforementionned parsers. The structure of this package mirrors that of norswap.autumn.parsers.

All this documentation can be consulted online as KDoc (Kotlin's Javadoc).

If you make any change, you can re-generate the KDoc documentation with make docs.


A pre-built JAR file is availble for download, including all dependencies excepted the Kotlin runtime.


Command Line

Building requires a traditional Unix toolchain: bash, make, curl, find and unzip. The build script also works fine on Windows with Cygwin/MSYS, provided you have installed the required packages for the above commands.

make build

This command will build the library, pulling dependencies if necessary, and installing a repository-local copy of Kotlin 1.0.3 (~25MB) if required (i.e. if kotlin -version fails or indicates another version).

The command only generates class files, usually you want to build a jar:

make fatjar

This must be run after make build.

All outputs are put in the out directory. .class files are in out/production/autumn, to be compatible with the IntelliJ IDEA default layout.

Explore the makefile for more useful commands.

With IntellIJ IDEA

Just import the repository into IntelliJ IDEA, and IDEA should pickup how to build it, as this repository includes the IDEA configuration.

If you run into any troubles, the setup is fairly straightforward:

Getting Started

In Autumn, grammars are defined using a Kotlin DSL. The only setup you need is to add the Autumn JAR file to your classpath.

The best way to get started is to get a look at some examples: