


       █      █       
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   █  ██████████  █   Fuzzowski Network Fuzzer
   █    █     █   █           🄯  Fuzzers, inc.
       ██     ██                by Mario Rivas


The idea is to be the Network Protocol Fuzzer that we will want to use.

The aim of this tool is to assist during the whole process of fuzzing a network protocol, allowing to define the communications, helping to identify the "suspects" of crashing a service, and much more

Last Changes



Protocols implemented


virtualenv venv -p python3
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: python -m fuzzowski [-h] [-p {tcp,udp,ssl}] [-b BIND] [-st SEND_TIMEOUT]
                    [-rt RECV_TIMEOUT] [--sleep-time SLEEP_TIME] [-nc] [-tn]
                    [-nr] [-nrf] [-cr]
                    [--threshold-request CRASH_THRESHOLD_REQUEST]
                    [--threshold-element CRASH_THRESHOLD_ELEMENT]
                    [--ignore-aborted] [--ignore-reset] [--error-fuzz-issues]
                    [-c CALLBACK | --file FILENAME] -f
                    [-r FUZZ_REQUESTS [FUZZ_REQUESTS ...]]
                    [--restart module_name [args ...]]
                    [--restart-sleep RESTART_SLEEP_TIME]
                    [--monitors {IPPMon} [{IPPMon} ...]] [--path PATH]
                    [--document_url DOCUMENT_URL]
                    host port

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   █ ████████████ █   
   █  ██████████  █   Fuzzowski Network Fuzzer
   █    █     █   █           🄯  Fuzzers, inc.
       ██     ██       

positional arguments:
  host                  Destination Host
  port                  Destination Port

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Connection Options:
  -p {tcp,udp,ssl}, --protocol {tcp,udp,ssl}
                        Protocol (Default tcp)
  -b BIND, --bind BIND  Bind to port
  -st SEND_TIMEOUT, --send_timeout SEND_TIMEOUT
                        Set send() timeout (Default 5s)
  -rt RECV_TIMEOUT, --recv_timeout RECV_TIMEOUT
                        Set recv() timeout (Default 5s)
  --sleep-time SLEEP_TIME
                        Sleep time between each test (Default 0)
  -nc, --new-conns      Open a new connection after each packet of the same test
  -tn, --transmit-next-node
                        Transmit the next node in the graph of the fuzzed node

RECV() Options:
  -nr, --no-recv        Do not recv() in the socket after each send
  -nrf, --no-recv-fuzz  Do not recv() in the socket after sending a fuzzed request
  -cr, --check-recv     Check that data has been received in recv()

Crashes Options:
  --threshold-request CRASH_THRESHOLD_REQUEST
                        Set the number of allowed crashes in a Request before skipping it (Default 9999)
  --threshold-element CRASH_THRESHOLD_ELEMENT
                        Set the number of allowed crashes in a Primitive before skipping it (Default 3)
  --ignore-aborted      Ignore ECONNABORTED errors
  --ignore-reset        Ignore ECONNRESET errors
  --error-fuzz-issues   Log as error when there is any connection issue in the fuzzed node

Fuzz Options:
  -c CALLBACK, --callback CALLBACK
                        Set a callback address to fuzz with callback generator instead of normal mutations
  --file FILENAME       Use contents of a file for fuzz mutations

  -f {cops,dhcp,ipp,lpd,netconf,telnet_cli,tftp,raw}, --fuzz {cops,dhcp,ipp,lpd,netconf,telnet_cli,tftp,raw}
                        Available Protocols
                        Requests of the protocol to fuzz, default All
                          dhcp: [opt82]
                          ipp: [http_headers, get_printer_attribs, print_uri_message, send_uri, get_jobs, get_job_attribs]
                          lpd: [long_queue, short_queue, ctrl_file, data_file, remove_job]
                          telnet_cli: [commands]
                          tftp: [read]
                          raw: ['\x01string\n' '\x02request2\x00' ...]

Restart options:
  --restart module_name [args ...]
                        Restarter Modules:
                          run: '<executable> [<argument> ...]' (Pass command and arguments within quotes, as only one argument)
                          smartplug: It will turn off and on the Smart Plug
                          teckin: <PLUG_IP>
  --restart-sleep RESTART_SLEEP_TIME
                        Set sleep seconds after a crash before continue (Default 5)

Monitor options:
  --monitors {IPPMon} [{IPPMon} ...], -m {IPPMon} [{IPPMon} ...]
                        Monitor Modules:
                          IPPMon: Sends a get-attributes IPP message to the target

Other Options:
  --path PATH           Set path when fuzzing HTTP based protocols (Default /)
  --document_url DOCUMENT_URL
                        Set Document URL for print_uri


Fuzz the get_printer_attribs IPP operation with default options:

python -m fuzzowski printer1 631 -f ipp -r get_printer_attribs --restart smartplug


Use the raw feature of IPP to fuzz the finger protocol:

python -m fuzzowski printer 79 -f raw -r '{{root}}\n'


Use the raw feature of IPP to fuzz the finger protocol, but instead of using the predefined mutations, use a file:

python -m fuzzowski printer 79 -f raw -r '{{root}}\n' --file 'path/to/my/fuzzlist'

Stateful Fuzzer example, demonstrating the use of s_response and s_variable to obtain a token that is needed to fuzz a request. This example is based on the mock http server test case
