Python wrapper for uhubctl
This is a simple Python wrapper for uhubctl
Discover all usable USB hubs
import uhubctl
hubs = uhubctl.discover_hubs()
for hub in hubs:
print(f"Found hub: {hub}")
for port in hub.ports:
print(f" Found port: {port}")
Create hub and enumerate attached ports
import uhubctl
hub = Hub("1-1", enumerate_ports=True)
# Iterate all ports
for port in hub.ports:
print(f"Found port: {port}")
# Get port by port number
port_2 = hub.find_port(2)
print(f"The status of port 2 is {port_2.status}")
Manually specify hub and port
from uhubctl import Hub, Port
hub = Hub("1-1")
Control ports
from uhubctl import Hub, Port
hub = Hub("1-1")
port = hub.add_port(1)
print("Switch port 1-1.1 off")
port.status = False
print("Switch port 1-1.1 on")
port.status = True
print("Get port 1-1.1 status")
Device details
import uhubctl
hubs = uhubctl.discover_hubs()
for hub in hubs:
print(f"Found hub: {hub}")
for port in hub.ports:
print(f" Found port: {port}")
# You can use the optional argument `cached_results=False` for each of
# these 3 methods in order to invalidate the internal cache,
# which is used for performance reasons
print(f" Description: {port.description()}")
print(f" Vendor ID: {port.vendor_id()}")
print(f" Product ID: {port.product_id()}")
How can I specify the path to ´uhubctl´
import uhubctl
uhubctl.utils.UHUBCTL_BINARY = "sudo /usr/local/bin/uhubctl"