


NBehave is a framework for behaviour-driven development (BDD).

BDD is an evolution of test-driven development (TDD) and acceptance-test driven design, and it is intended to make these practices more accessible and intuitive to newcomers and experts alike.

It shifts the vocabulary from being test-based to behaviour-based and positions itself as a design philosophy.

Build status

<a href="http://teamcity.codebetter.com/viewType.html?buildTypeId=bt50&guest=1"> <img src="http://teamcity.codebetter.com/app/rest/builds/buildType:(id:bt50)/statusIcon" alt="current build status" /> </a>


We would love your help. Send us patches, report/fix bugs, request features, etc.

If you want to edit the Visual Studio extension you need to install these: Visual Studio 2012 SDK Visual Studio 2010 SP1 SDK


NBehave is licensed under BSD 3