

npm version CI

📜 ngxe

Angular 11.1+ JSON Translations Editor.

A simple UI for your translations: hosted on NPM, runs on your dev machine.


ngxe screenshop


$ npm i ngxe -D


Create ngxe.json config file in the root:

  "name": "Project Name",
  "input": "path/to/messages.json",
  "output": {
    "source": "path/to/messages.source.json",
    "translations": [
        "locale": "de",
        "path": "path/to/messages.de.json"

Extract translations from your project in JSON format:

$ ng extract-i18n --format=json

The editor works best if i18n messages have IDs, but it is not necessary:

<div i18n="@@MSG_ID">Message with ID</div>
$localize`:@@MSG_ID_2:Message with ID 2`;

Use ngxe:

$ npx ngxe

Browser should open the app (http://localhost:7600/).

Use the ngxe app to update messages and press Save Project (all output files will be updated).

Optional config path:
$ npx ngxe -p=./path/to/ngxe.json

Build your app

  1. You can use the default flow with separated build for each lang.
  2. Or import messages on the app bootstrapping in main.ts:
import { loadTranslations } from '@angular/localize';


  .then(() => {
  .catch(err => console.error(err));
async function loadMessages() {
  // Detect lang and compile proper path to messages here:
  const path = ...;
  const m = await import(path);


Interface of the ngxe.json file: meta/config.ts

Convert existing xlf files to json

$ npm i @locl/cli -D
$ npx locl convert -s=path/to/messages.de.xlf -f=json -o=path/to/messages.de.json

You can get error: The translation file "path/to/messages.de.xlf" does not contain a target locale and no explicit locale was provided for this file.

Make sure you have the target-language attribute in xlf file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
  <file source-language="en" target-language="de" ...>

After that you can delete @locl/cli package.

Online editor — ngxe.oleksanovyk.com

Useful for delegating translation process. Use "Export"/"Import" options at the ngxe dashboard.