

3D Human Poses from/with Natural Language.

This repository groups the official PyTorch implementations for the following two papers:

Text2Pose project

The PoseScript (download last version) and the PoseFix (download) datasets contain both human-written texts collected on Amazon Mechanical Turk and texts produced by the above-mentionned pipelines. Once downloaded, explore PoseScript & explore PoseFix.

This code is divided in several parts, presented below. Click on the links to access to the respective READMEs, so as to get more details, to get instructions to train & evaluate the models, or to explore their results.

<!-- must use spaces for the markdown to show --> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Dataset</th> <th align="center">

Related Tasks [subdirectory]

</th> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">PoseScript</td> <td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">PoseFix</td> <td> </tr> </tbody> </table>


:snake: Create python environment

<details> <summary>Click for details.</summary> This code was tested in a python 3.7 environment.

From the main code directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop

If problems with OpenGL (setting: linux, anaconda3), check here.

Note: using cuda version 10.2 (please modify requirements.txt otherwise).

You may also have to run the following in a python interpreter:

import nltk

:inbox_tray: Download data

<details> <summary>Click for details.</summary> Both the PoseScript and the PoseFix datasets link human-written texts and automatically generated texts to poses from the AMASS dataset. </details>

:open_file_folder: Define important paths

<details> <summary>Click for details.</summary>

:warning: Please change paths in ./src/text2pose/config.py following your own preferences.

Note: the file ./src/text2pose/shortname_2_model_path.txt (initially empty) holds correspondences between full model paths and model shortnames, for readable communication between generative and retrieval models. Lines should have the following format:

<model_shortname>    <model_full_path>

:closed_book: Generate the vocabulary

<!-- Needed for text generation, and if using the glovebigru text encoder --> <details> <summary>Click for details.</summary>
cd src/text2pose

# posescript vocab (needed to run the trained pose description generation model)
python vocab.py --dataset posescript \
--caption_files 'posescript_human_6293.json' 'posescript_auto_100k.json' \
--new_word_list '(' ')' '.' 'a' 'a-pose' 'a-shape' 'about' 'abstract' 'acting' 'action' 'activities' 'adjust' 'adjusting' 'adjustment' 'aim' 'aiming' 'aims' 'an' 'animal' 'argument' 'arm' 'arms' 'art' 'at' 'aupplauding' 'back' 'backwards' 'balance' 'balancing' 'ball' 'bartender' 'beaming' 'begging' 'behaving' 'behavior' 'bend' 'bending' 'bent' 'bird' 'body' 'bow' 'bowed' 'bowing' 'bump' 'bumping' 'call' 'cartwheel' 'catch' 'catching' 'celebrate' 'celebrating' 'charge' 'charging' 'check' 'checking' 'cheering' 'chicken' 'choking' 'chop' 'chopping' 'circular' 'clap' 'clapping' 'clasp' 'clasping' 'clean' 'cleaning' 'close' 'closing' 'collapsing' 'communicate' 'communicating' 'conduct' 'conducting' 'consuming' 'cough' 'coughing' 'cower' 'cowering' 'crawl' 'crawling' 'crossed' 'crossed-limbs' 'crossing' 'crouch' 'crouching' 'cry' 'crying' 'cuddling' 'cursty' 'curtsy' 'curtsying' 'cut' 'cutting' 'dance' 'dancing' 'defensive' 'delivering' 'desesperate' 'desesperation' 'despair' 'despairing' 'desperate' 'dip' 'direction' 'disagree' 'dive' 'diving' 'do' 'doing' 'down' 'dribble' 'dribbling' 'drink' 'drinking' 'drive' 'driving' 'drunk' 'drunken' 'duck' 'eat' 'eating' 'embracing' 'escaping' 'evade' 'evading' 'exercices' 'exercise/training' 'exercising' 'face' 'fall' 'falling' 'feet' 'fidget' 'fidgeting' 'fidgets' 'fight' 'fighting' 'fire' 'firing' 'fish' 'fishing' 'flail' 'flailing' 'flap' 'flapping' 'flip' 'flipping' 'floor' 'fluttering' 'food' 'foot' 'for' 'forward' 'gain' 'gesture' 'gesturing' 'get' 'getting' 'gifting' 'giggling' 'give' 'giving' 'glide' 'gliding' 'going' 'golf' 'golfing' 'grab' 'grabbing' 'grasp' 'grasping' 'greet' 'greeting' 'ground' 'gun' 'hacking' 'hair' 'hand' 'handling' 'hands' 'handstand' 'handstanding' 'hang' 'hanging' 'having' 'head' 'headstand' 'headstanding' 'hello' 'hi' 'hit' 'hitting' 'holding' 'hop' 'hopping' 'hug' 'hugging' 'imitating' 'in' 'incline' 'inclined' 'inclining' 'injured' 'inspecting' 'instrument' 'interact' 'interacting' 'interface' 'into' 'inward' 'jacks' 'jog' 'jogging' 'juggle' 'juggling' 'jump' 'jumping' 'kick' 'kicking' 'knee' 'kneel' 'kneeled' 'kneeling' 'knees' 'knelt' 'knock' 'knocking' 'lamenting' 'laugh' 'laughing' 'lead' 'leading' 'lean' 'leaning' 'leap' 'leaping' 'leg' 'legs' 'lick' 'licking' 'lie' 'lift' 'lifting' 'like' 'limbs' 'limp' 'limping' 'listen' 'listening' 'look' 'looking' 'lower' 'lowering' 'lunge' 'lunging' 'lying' 'making' 'march' 'marching' 'martial' 'middle' 'mime' 'mimicking' 'miming' 'misc' 'mix' 'mixing' 'moonwalk' 'moonwalking' 'motion' 'move' 'movement' 'movements' 'moving' 'musique' 'navigate' 'object' 'of' 'on' 'open' 'opening' 'operate' 'operating' 'or' 'orchestra' 'original' 'over' 'part' 'pat' 'patting' 'perform' 'performance' 'performing' 'person' 'phone' 'picking' 'place' 'placing' 'play' 'playing' 'plays' 'plead' 'pleading' 'point' 'pointing' 'pose' 'poses' 'position' 'practicing' 'pray' 'prayer' 'praying' 'prepare' 'preparing' 'press' 'pressing' 'protect' 'protecting' 'punch' 'punching' 'quivering' 'raising' 'reaching' 'relax' 'relaxation' 'relaxing' 'release' 'releasing' 'remove' 'removing' 'reveal' 'rocking' 'rolling' 'rope' 'rub' 'rubbing' 'run' 'running' 'salute' 'saluting' 'saying' 'scratch' 'scratching' 'search' 'searching' 'seizing' 'series' 'shake' 'shaking' 'shape' 'shave' 'shaving' 'shivering' 'shooting' 'shoulder' 'showing' 'shrug' 'shrugging' 'shuffle' 'side' 'sideways' 'sign' 'sit' 'sitting' 'skate' 'skating' 'sketch' 'skip' 'skipping' 'slash' 'slicing' 'slide' 'sliding' 'slightly' 'smacking' 'smell' 'smelling' 'snack' 'snacking' 'sneak' 'sneaking' 'sneeze' 'sneezing' 'sobbing' 'some' 'someone' 'something' 'somethings' 'speaking' 'spin' 'spinning' 'sport' 'sports' 'spread' 'spreading' 'squat' 'squatting' 'stagger' 'staggering' 'stances' 'stand' 'standing' 'staring' 'step' 'stepping' 'stick' 'stomp' 'stomping' 'stop' 'strafe' 'strafing' 'stretch' 'stretching' 'stroke' 'stroking' 'stumble' 'stumbling' 'style' 'styling' 'sudden' 'support' 'supporting' 'sway' 'swaying' 'swim' 'swimming' 'swing' 'swinging' 'swipe' 'swiping' 't' 't-pose' 't-shape' 'take/pick' 'taking' 'tap' 'tapping' 'telephone' 'tentative' 'the' 'things' 'throw' 'throwing' 'tie' 'tiptoe' 'tiptoeing' 'tiptoes' 'to' 'touch' 'touching' 'training' 'transition' 'trashing' 'trip' 'tripping' 'try' 'trying' 'tumbling' 'turn' 'turning' 'twist' 'twisting' 'twitching' 'tying' 'uncross' 'unknown' 'up' 'up/down' 'upper' 'using' 'vocalise' 'vocalizing' 'voice' 'voicing' 'vomit' 'vomitting' 'waist' 'wait' 'waiting' 'walk' 'walking' 'wash' 'washing' 'wave' 'waving' 'weeping' 'wiggle' 'wiggling' 'with' 'with/use' 'wobble' 'wobbling' 'worry' 'worrying' 'wrist' 'wrists' 'write' 'writing' 'yawn' 'yawning' 'yoga' 'zombie' \
--make_compatible_to_side_flip \
--vocab_filename 'vocab_posescript_6293_auto100k.pkl'

# posefix vocab (needed to run the pose-based correctional text generation model)
python vocab.py --dataset posefix \
--caption_files 'posefix_human_6157.json' 'posefix_auto_135305.json' 'posefix_paraphrases_4284.json' \
--make_compatible_to_side_flip \
--vocab_filename vocab_posefix_6157_pp4284_auto.pkl

# posemix vocab
python vocab.py --dataset posemix \
--caption_files '<POSESCRIPT_LOCATION>/posescript_human_6293.json' '<POSEFIX_LOCATION>/posefix_human_6157.json' '<POSEFIX_LOCATION>/posefix_paraphrases_4284.json' \
--make_compatible_to_side_flip \
--vocab_filename vocab_posemix_PS6193_PF6157.pkl 

The filenames provided in argument for generating the PoseScript or the PoseFix vocabularies are expected to be in POSESCRIPT_LOCATION and POSEFIX_LOCATION respectively. The vocabularies will be saved in those same directories. They are expected to be of size 2158 for PoseScript and 2374 for PoseFix (1112 when not considering the paraphrases).


:books: Download language models

<details> <summary>Click for details.</summary>

Download HuggingFace checkpoints, by running the following python script:

import os
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
import config

model_type = "distilbert-base-uncased"

# download the tokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_type)
tokenizer.save_pretrained(os.path.join(config.TRANSFORMER_CACHE_DIR, model_type))

# download the encoder
text_enc = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_type)
text_enc.save_pretrained(os.path.join(config.TRANSFORMER_CACHE_DIR, model_type))

Explore datasets

After downloading the datasets, run the following:

streamlit run <dataset>/explore_<dataset>.py

with <dataset> being either posescript or posefix.

Visualize results of trained models

Train & Evaluate models

Please refer to the README of the model of interest in this repo subdirectories. Get quick access from the table at the top.


If you use this code, the PoseScript dataset or the PoseFix dataset, please cite the corresponding paper:

  title={{PoseScript: 3D Human Poses from Natural Language}},
  author={{Delmas, Ginger and Weinzaepfel, Philippe and Lucas, Thomas and Moreno-Noguer, Francesc and Rogez, Gr\'egory}},
  title={{PoseFix: Correcting 3D Human Poses with Natural Language}},
  author={{Delmas, Ginger and Weinzaepfel, Philippe and Moreno-Noguer, Francesc and Rogez, Gr\'egory}},


This code is distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.

Note that some of the softwares to download and install for this project are subject to separate copyright notices and license terms, which use is subject to the terms and conditions under which they are made available; see for instance VPoser.